1) Deal with the somewhat questionable Darksaber issue. Questionable 'coz of some stuff in Rebels but will leave it at that. Maybe Sabine Wren finally shows up and argues for some sanity, arguing a greater threat exists e.g. Thrawn. Could be Ahsoka being the peacekeeper as well, since she's a goodie-goodie and Filoni loves her and will give her speech etc.
2) Mando gets a new ship - possibly in trade for a job, since he has time on his hands now
and is down and out.
3) Gideon escapes, killing multiple beings along the way and smiling while doing it, the psycho.
4) The Child's blood is used for something horrible
and Din D'jarin and friends need to take out whatever abomination has been created.
5) Beginning of plan to retake Mandalore/clash with Death Watch as Bo Katan tries to pull Mandalorian clans together. Din D'jarin has to fight the Death Watch leader or other to prove himself (because he took off the helmet) while everyone watches (because that always happens).
6) Grogu is reunited with Din D'jarin and it's hilarious because he now has some training but is still ridiculously cute. There's another heart-stabbing scene where Grogu calls Din D'jarin "Father" or "Papa" for the first time. (EVERYONE cries including hardened construction workers and the cranky neighbors up the street who hate everyone.)
7) Season ends with the attempt to take back Mandalore and the arrival of psycho Gideon and possibly some new nasty allies like Dark Force users. Battle lines drawn.