Jaws. It?s all about merchandise. Avatar was a huge seller and people sung its praises back then . It?s all but forgotten . Yes the ST made more money than the PT at the box office but the pt sells more abd is still selling toys and merch and is still popular. Star Wars couldnt survive in box office numbers alone it needed the merchandise to keep it going . The ST sells pretty much none . No collectors want them and kids like the older stuff. Mando is the only new thing that sells.
I have always said that the ST did an awful job of making new and original toys.. They spent all their time reusing items from the OT. If I want a tie Fighter I either
A. Already have one or
B. Would buy one from the OT
Its were I say that if the purpose of purchasing SW was for the toys then they should have followed the GL way of doing things and created something new and different for every single film..
Also lets not forget that when the PT came out you had idiots buying two of everything (I was one of them ) thinking they would go up in value.
Now that the PT has had time to breath the PT fans are grown up are buying up PT toys just like the OT fans do when they got older.
Now... I know a lot of PT haters that own PT toys but no ST toys. That again goes back to GL cool imagination and the ST not really coming up with something cool.. Hell I like the ST and I dont own anything from it accept the collectors cup from the movie theater
Time will tell if the younger generation gives a crap about the ST.. I doubt they will.. Like I have been saying... Way too much Competition.. That is were KK missed the mark she should be trying to please only the old PT and OT fans.. We are the only ones likely to keep caring... No matter how good the films are.
I get into it at work with twenty somethings about the better saga.... SW, LOTR... Or Freaking Harry Potter.. They always pick Harry Potter ... There are some that have seen the PT and ST but not even watched the OT.. WTH??. God knows how they are bringing their kids up.. No wonder none of the toys sell
Just saw this to. They even made freakin jar jar. Something is definitely wrong with your franchise if jar jar sells more than the newest characters. The fanbase for the ST is pretty much all but dead. I?d say like maybe 500 people tops loved it . If kids liked it then they?d have more games centered around the ST . All upcoming games are in the middle of pt and ot.
Star Wars survived this long off merchandise not ticket sales and it?s laughable that jar jar binks still sells more than rey and kylo but that?s understandable.
SW survived a long time without any merchandise actually. SW went on a major toy vacation until mid 90's when Power of the Force toys came out.
AS far as kids liking the films.. I think reading my other posts we all agree... I dont think kids are interested.. I also dont think its kids buying those video games.. Its people like us... The argument could be made that that is the fault of the ST. But were toys selling well or games being made when TFA came out.. Biggest movie of all time that everyone loved but me
Like I said.. the ST really came out at a bad time to be as average as it was.. So much competition, the internet to let the hate flow, and OT and PT fans to hate on them together..
As I stated I bet you the PT would not survive this day and age either. I dont believe the PT fans would have been as forgiving at all. You would have been right there with us OT fans
I am just in a happy place now where I accept that there are two great SW films and the rest I can sit back and enjoy. Well accept for AOTC and TLJ.. But I can even find parts of them to like.
It's definitely true that the toys played a large part in keeping the films alive and relevant for all this time. You have to love this stuff a lot to spend all the money and display it in your house. The vast majority of ST people don't actually give a damn about Star Wars, just their agenda. That is why they don't buy.
I don't visit other sites enough to know about this "Agenda" I agree that there seems to be one in TLJ but I dont see it in TFA or TROS.