It's like you've been watching me.I have full confidence that Buff has more than capable healthy coping mechanisms in place….
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It's like you've been watching me.I have full confidence that Buff has more than capable healthy coping mechanisms in place….
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It's like you've been watching me.Are you one of the titular Spies from Episode 7??
Ouch, lol.It's like you've been watching me.Are you one of the titular Spies from Episode 7??
There were some extra space battle scenes that appeared in the concept art at the end...C’mon Lucasfilm.
Add in 10 more minutes of aeriel combat then combine 7 and 8 and Imax that ****!
Take my money!!!!
It's the same series!...Obi-Wan would've been completely forgettable, if it weren't for the awesome chase scenes...
Just add a Mandalorian Gaunlet class ship taking itself out by drifting sideways in the air into a group of airborne commandos slamming them into the cliff side lolThere were some extra space battle scenes that appeared in the concept art at the end...
Upon further review shouldn't Grogu kill Tossed Salad Pirate as he's the one (similar to Al) who's been traumatized in the past? Not sure how he'd accomplish it - maybe shoot him with a Force propelled rock like Magneto killing people with a coin (I was going to say frog instead of rock, but that would be very messy and the frog doesn't deserve that fate.LOL!
You know they also missed a perfect "Karl from Die Hard" moment by not having the Tossed Salad Pirate come bursting out the pond in front of Mando's cabin. Several blasts go off, the pirate falls, camera pans up to reveal--Greef Karga holding a gun dun dun dunn!!!!
Nah dude i’m too consumed by my 77/80/83 experiences to ever throw the baby (SW) out with the bath water (KK).Sometimes Khev's comments and enthusiasm for this crap makes me cringe, especially when Jye eggs him on......
And I remember how he actually likes the ST. Which then I get the feeling he must be working for Kathleen Kennedy. And for a moment, just a moment, my cursor hovers over the block button.....
Don't fall to the Dark Side Jye. Break away from your pal Khev....
Y'all need a hug or somethingLet's see:
1. Gideon's clones explained
2. His "Darktrooper program" perfected in his final suit
3. Grogu meets a Jedi but chooses to stay with Din Djarin
4. Darksaber arc resolved
5. Mandalorians united under Bo-Katan
6. Gideon "killed"
7. Mandalore homeland retaken
8. Din takes the lady's advice from Season 1 and settles down with Grogu
Yep, they really have resolved everything set up by prior seasons and have no reason to continue this series.
It was beautiful. I especially liked Din having the good sense to blast them in the feet and then shoot them again.Upon rewatch did anyone else notice that the first Praetorian guard dies by simply being pushed over by Din? Got off easy compared to the guy that got stabbed in the throat and the other one that got shot up his helmet.
Was it - I gotta watch again, no chore there, with the leftover Popeyes from yesterday.That was my girl Koska!![]()
IMO we're just getting started here. Anyway S4 is already written.![]()
Season 4! Season 4!Crap I actually did think that this might be it until the "theatrical" movie that Filoni is going to direct that wraps up everything. Oh well, time to savor this moment while we can fellas, lol.
For sure - IMO the collectibles gotta have a good memory associated, not something that bums me out. I never did pick up Finn, the poor guy. Even when he was going for half off or something. TROS got on my nerves too much.Like Wor-Gar said I'm fine with Mando guest starring in other series' as well as the movie but I did really like the idea of this being the perfect end to his own series. But yeah I'll bet you're glad that these last two episodes washed the Lizzo stink off your collectibles, lol.
Nice catch!PS, Another nice thing was Grogu didn't EAT the frog at the end, he just imitated Luke.![]()
For sure - IMO the collectibles gotta have a good memory associated
LOL - good things about Obi...well, Qui-Gon showed up...and....and....Owen was good for a small bit...and, and....That's why I do not think I can have crackhead Vader from OWK on my shelf.