Ram Bergman sounds like a great porn star name.
"The Wangalorian"... starring Ram Bergman... and Leia Organa.
Dont give them ideas...
Jawa midget porn....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Ram Bergman sounds like a great porn star name.
"The Wangalorian"... starring Ram Bergman... and Leia Organa.
Jawa midget porn....
Wow , well thats good.
See? Some folks can make rational statements.
I follow logic and common sense. And while I personally do not like some of the creative choices made in the ST, I understand a producer is not directly responsible for most of the details of the story. Their job is to facilitate the creation of the story via hiring, firing and overall approval, along with many others.
Therefore , ALL completed creative product, is , in part, KK.
She did not suddenly get pushed aside for a male decision or choice recently. She is top dog here, one of a select few. To deny that reality is just sexist and shows how much some people want to hate anything led by a female, you know Incels.
Lets not forget the controversial TLJ, was written and directed by Rian, it was produced by KK AND Ram Bergman....a name you almost never hear as a responsible party. Which is odd since he is close friends with Rian, and collaborates with him often. Instead its always KK.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
All this shows me is this new trilogy would of failed miserably without the old cast coming back.
I don't know about that.
He supposedly blew all his Star Wars money in the early years, but he's worked pretty steadily over the years, especially as a voice actor. Surely he's built himself a nice little nest egg. If he wants to keep it, for his children and his grandchildren, he knows that he better say the right things in public and on social media so he doesn't get himself blacklisted.
Unless you're a close personal friend of Mark Hamill's, you have no idea what he thinks or believes in. The man is an actor. He plays make-believe for a living. For all you know he boozes and drugs himself silly every night cause he can't stand the sight of his sell-out face in the mirror.
We'll never know. You think he's gonna tell some fans at Comic Con how he REALLY feels about Star Wars and the industry?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Social media isn't real. What our friends and families post is not "real"......they've carefully selected things to make their lives seem great.
You think movie studios and actors are any different?
I am assuming you are from Copenhagen based on your profile. Have you ever lived in the United States? It's a very, very different country than the ultra-progressive Scandinavian countries. My Swedish friend was basically indoctrinated since birth to believe in the far-left liberal ideals that his government and media taught him. It was only in the last few years, in his late 30s, that he started questioning if any of it was really true.
Hollywood operates on that same far left set of ideals. At least it does publicly. We all know some pretty horrible stuff goes on behind closed doors.
I'm not insinuating that Mr. Hamill is a bad guy. I honestly have no clue. All I know is, if he doesn't parrot all that propaganda loudly and often, he's hurting his chances to continue working with his peers in the industry.
Maybe he believes it 100%. Maybe he'll take his millions and donate it to a good anti-violence against transgender organization. Or maybe he'll just continue to live in his mansion in his gated community with armed security, but continue to "tweet" about how liberal he is.
I have no idea. I don't know the guy. And just cause you've read some rah rah, feel good stuff he (or his assistant) posted on twitter, doesn't mean you know him either.
Yeah, it's certainly a bizarre time for our country, I think.
I live in Japan now, but I'm from Ohio. In fact, I'm visiting for the first time in a year, for Christmas and I'm actually pretty nervous about being there, cause things have changed a lot since I've been gone.
I think a lot of Hollywood types DO believe in what they say, and I think a lot of them go along with it for fear of rocking the boat. Actors in particular are the most self-centered and narcissistic people on the planet, so most of them will do or say anything in order to get more "likes."
What are Harrison Ford's views? Personally, I don't know, cause I never pay attention to that crap, but as far as I know, he doesn't go talking about it. That's a big difference between Ford and Hamill.....Ford has genuine F.U. money, so he never has to do or say anything he doesn't want to.
My Swedish friend and I were super close and we got along well, but sometimes we'd have pretty heated arguments if we really got into it. I never considered myself anything other than a liberal my entire life, and here was this guy calling me a bigot and a sexist!! I couldn't believe he could possibly see me that way!
He'd call me sexist and I'd get all mad and say "I'm not sexist, stop calling me that!" and then I finally stopped and thought....hey wait.....maybe I AM sexist.
So the next time he called me sexist, I just said "Yeah. So?"
Sexism and racism can rarely be excused in my book.
Well, we're treading in dangerous waters now and these posts will almost certainly be deleted. But I hope the mods see how civil we're being.
So let me ask you this....if I'm sexist, and believe that men are "better" than women, but that belief can never possibly bring harm to any living being, why is that inexusable?
I love my mom and my sister. I don't have a wife, but I'm sure I'd love her dearly if I did.
So how does the opinion that men are generally smarter, stronger, and more creative (and unquestionably funnier) than women hurt any of them?
You sound just like my Swedish friend.
He was appalled that I didn't listen to female musicians. Sorry. I just don't really like that many female musicians.
Same with comic book writers and artists.....movie directors.....comedians. Sure, there's some that are very good at what they do, but when I look at the art that has impacted me and stayed with me and meant the most to me throughout my life? It's all men.
What about science? Well, of COURSE we can't forget Marie Curie!!! OK. Yes.
And.....? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just noticing that pretty much all of the technological innovations and wonders that have made my life so comfortable and convenient were the product of male's hard work and ingenuity.
"But women were oppressed all through human history and have only been 'free' the last 50 years or so to actually do things!"
OK. Well, women are "equal" now. There's nobody stopping any girl or woman in the United States from doing anything she wants. Hell, she could even write and direct a Charlie's Angels remake. But that doesn't mean I have any interest in watching it.
I like the stuff I grew up with. I think most of the stuff being made now is crap, whether it's a man or woman in charge.
There are some very talented and genuinely funny women out there....but I just find Hicks and Carlin and Stanhope and Patton and Chappelle and yes, Louis CK funnier.
Don't know what to tell you, or my mom, if that's "offensive." But I guess that makes me "on the wrong side of history" now, even though I've been a liberal my whole life. Oh well.
Are you kidding me!!?? You might not know what I?m referring to in my comment, but do you follow his Instagram or Twitter? He?s very political and very outspoken against sexism and right wing politics.
What he really feels about the ST, who knows, but what he thinks about sexism is definitely not a secret.
This is a MH on Twitter:
?For centuries, men have had their chance to rule government with middling-to-poor results,? Hamill wrote to his three million Twitter followers. ?Who?s ready to let women take charge completely? Just women. I know I am.?