The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I dunno know about you guys, but now I want a HT Cara Dune figure more than ever. Guarantee would sell out like hot cakes regardless of what happened.
But Disney probably will never allow her image to be used ever again.

Why do you want a figure more than ever now? Is this like when an actor dies and their memorabilia skyrockets for a brief time? I've been on the fence regarding the Sideshow Cara Dune PF and her getting fired didn't sway me one way or the other. I'm sure for some it means the end of her story arch and that might cause them to pass. Curious when folks feel the opposite though. Interesting.
I wanted a Cara Dune HT figure ever since season 1, but I think it really won't happen now. I read somewhere that apparently some Hasbro Black Series figures of the character have been cancelled already, so I don't see HT getting the go ahead should they want to make her.
I accidentally ordered a second TVC Cara Dune from BBTS a few months back not realizing that I had already ordered her (lol) but now I'm glad I have two. Hopefully the faux "retro" figure still gets released.
Why do you want a figure more than ever now? Is this like when an actor dies and their memorabilia skyrockets for a brief time? I've been on the fence regarding the Sideshow Cara Dune PF and her getting fired didn't sway me one way or the other. I'm sure for some it means the end of her story arch and that might cause them to pass. Curious when folks feel the opposite though. Interesting.

For me she's an integral part of Season 1 and Season 2 - which may be the season of the show I like best anyway, in the long run. At least part of Season 2, until all the re-hash started appearing.

Or, to put it another way, Cara's part of the cast that was exciting, for me; and while I've got IG-11 on order to go with Mando V1 and 2, I always thought there'd be a Cara. There's a GAP in my display.:(

So really hoping whether HT or other foreign company (who could care less about U.S. Twitter mobs) sees the potential dollar signs.

(As for the situation, consider it to be BS; especially after re-hiring Gunn - he just doesn't strike me as that apologetic anyway; and if GOTG2 and the overly-long, draggy speeches of his in IW are anything to go by, I don't think much of him as a writer either. That, and his use of bathroom humor).

Finally, IMO Cara was a breath of fresh air in the SW universe. Really resent Disney/LFL at this point:mad:; but no doubt they correctly weighed up the dollar signs and figured lots of Grogu and the short attention span of the audience would override any fallout from firing Gina.

Except from folks like me, who are already ratcheting back on Mando stuff and am very wary about where this show is going:toilet_cl - down from my previous enthusiasm. But I'd really like a 1/6 Cara. D@mmit Cara and Fennec on the shelf would have been awesome.:(
Why do you want a figure more than ever now? Is this like when an actor dies and their memorabilia skyrockets for a brief time? I've been on the fence regarding the Sideshow Cara Dune PF and her getting fired didn't sway me one way or the other. I'm sure for some it means the end of her story arch and that might cause them to pass. Curious when folks feel the opposite though. Interesting.
I bought it because I like her character on the show. I didn't order the Sideshow premium format before now because I felt eventually a better representation of her character would come along, be it a HT figure or a different statue. But as of recent events I don't think a better representation of Gina Carano as Cara Dune is ever coming out. So had to buy for it for that reason and also because I think she is a genuinely nice and well meaning person who was constantly attacked and eventually cancelled unfairly by the Twitter mob/Lucasfilm. I admire her for standing her ground, even if I don't agree with all of her opinions. The @ss kicking girl who refused to back down, even to her own detriment. Ned Stark would have been proud.

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I bought it because I like her character on the show. I didn't order the Sideshow premium format before now because I felt eventually a better representation of her character would come along, be it a HT figure or a different statue. But as of recent events I don't think a better representation of Gina Carano as Cara Dune is ever coming out. So had to buy for it for that reason and also because I think she is a genuinely nice and well meaning person who was constantly attacked and eventually cancelled unfairly by the Twitter mob/Lucasfilm. I admire her for standing her ground, even if I don't agree with all of her opinions. The @ss kicking girl who refused to back down, even to her own detriment. Ned Stark would have been proud.

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That?s a good point about that PF now being the best higher end representation of the character. That was the perspective I was looking for.

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Supposedly Hasbro has cancelled the planned Cara Dune reissues in the Black Series and Vintage Collection but her Retro figure is still on the way.

BBTS has already sent out some cancellation notices. Ebay prices have skyrocketed. I hope Sideshow follows through with her premium format.
Supposedly Hasbro has cancelled the planned Cara Dune reissues in the Black Series and Vintage Collection but her Retro figure is still on the way.

The retro figures are supposed to hit anytime now, which meant they were already manufactured. Hasbro isn?t going to toss those at this point. The reissues hadn?t hit production yet so they were easy to can. Real shame those that missed out the first time on those and were relying on those reissues. Wouldn?t Disney?s ultimate insult be to continue to cash in on her likeness? It?s not like they can remove her from the first 2 seasons so they might as well keep making money off of her. It?s too bad HT has been focusing too much on masked figure from the show. Only Moff Gideon and Grogu have been the exceptions to that. She and Greef are long overdue. I?m sure some third party company will step up and make her now.
Wonder how much longer Cara will last on the Star Wars Card Trader splash screen?


I'm torn between my disdain for cancel culture and my belief that actors and artists are duty bound not to reflect poorly on their employers.

Also, I tend to tune out when celebs start spouting politics of any colour. They're free to use their platform and I'm free to ignore them.
At one time, Sir Alec Guinness said Star Wars was silly trite and it only appealed to people of low intelligence. He went on to reprise his silly role two more times.
I was steering clear of this topic for the last few days because things went way off the rails. Now I check back in and all of that stuff is gone.

Maybe it was all just a dream.

Anyway, star wars is cool.
I was steering clear of this topic for the last few days because things went way off the rails. Now I check back in and all of that stuff is gone.

Maybe it was all just a dream.

Anyway, star wars is cool.

Thanks for mentioning that, because otherwise I would have completely missed the following. Comedy gold! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

:lol :lol :lol

My memory of it might be fuzzy already, but I believe the discussion involved some strange tangents that proved to be quite unexpected:

  • ZE_501 acknowledged that Khev has been right all along about the virtues of the ST.
  • ironwez20 convinced jye that ROTS is the greatest SW movie ever made.
  • TheDucky got JAWS and Wor-Gar to recognize that no film made before 1977 is worth a damn.
  • TurdFurgusonsHat decided to get a SW tattoo but told us he was having a hard time choosing between Holdo and Rose.
  • and a-dev kept trying to prod everyone into a PT vs. ST debate because he loves those so much, but The Buffinator insisted that no one ridicule the PT.

With all of those pages deleted, though, I bet some here would now deny that any of that ever actually happened. :ohbfrank:

In all seriousness, the actual discussion really did remain surprisingly civil, believe it or not.
While the second season looked like it was changing Djarin's attitude towards mask wearing, it looks like that might be put on hold for a while, with his stunt doubles taking up the slack again: the original Deadline report, it was noted that while Pascal would remain on the Star Wars series, The Last of Us would be taking "first position" with the actor. In other words, the new HBO series will take precedence over The Mandalorian if there are any scheduling conflicts, potentially limiting Pascal's involvement in the latter if both shows end up filming around the same time.

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