The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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S1/S2 built up this great forward momentum narrative that was thrilling and emotional but S3 just hit the brakes and seems to be dismantling what came before and dragging its feet!

Just get to the conflict already for crying out loud.
This exactly. What was the point of bringing Grogu back? Okay I know the real answer 💰. They’ve managed to completely undo the point of season 2, only to bring him back, and he’s done nothing for 6 episodes other than look “cute”. I think we as fans sometimes overestimate them and think they have it all planned out. Favreau has winged BOBF and Mando season 3. Then he comes out and says there’s some great plan and that this season will be like Game of Thrones. He must’ve meant season 8 of Game of Thrones.
Questionable stunt casting aside I don’t get all the hate. From the previous episode it was obvious that we were going to meet up with Bo’s old crew, and I liked that there was a side quest they had to complete first (one that once again demonstrated the NR’s flawed security methods). And I also liked that Mando was the one to point out that BK was once again entitled to wield the Darksaber. So with her fleet once again available, they are well on their way to uniting with those remaining Mandalorians scattered throughout the galaxy.
BTW, Din being suspicious of battle droids that were reprogrammed by some strangers is not a step backwards in his character development. Trusting IG-11 and R5 and the pit droids (programmed by friends Kuiil and Peli Motto) is not on the same level.

Also, can Bryce Dallas Howard direct ALL future episodes?
Din just handing Bo the darksaber solidifies how absolutely meaningless him and Grogu have been this entire season:lol
IMO disrespecting good writing and superb character; e.g. that &^%$ from Mando about Ugnaughts being touchy about their work and there's a way to talk to them.

E.g., maybe at some point Din spent a lot of time around a group of them, but what we have actually SEEN is ONE noble Ugnaught who has a great response to Cara Dune, full of dignity. How one could free oneself with the work of one's hands.

How did that devolve into "I used to hang out with them, yah gotta humor them". That was &^%$. Along the level of the Nick Fury eye thing.:hammerhead:

A lot of concepts, themes, undercurrents have been completely watered down into a Scooby Do cartoon. It's insulting.
I was? a rabid fan of this show, but for S3 I was expecting the show to 1)ratchet tension; 2)Moff Gideon; and 3) the show to be about, yah know, the Mandalorian. It's not that some issues wouldn't need to be addressed at some point, like the whole helmet thing - but the way it's being done with this superficial, shallow writing and editing is like reading Cliff notes. Who could have guessed that only the Pershing episode, and some of the Din rescue episode, would be the only episodes with any beef?

Did the ST writers get hired on this season? :pfft:
I was so excited to see
the lovely kicker of Boba Fett ass, the one and only Koska Reeves!! She insisted she wasn't coming back...but here she is! Awesome!

But then
Jack Black. No. Nah. Bill Burr, yes. Jack Black? No. Not in Star Wars. Then when I realized the corpulent form next to him was Lizzo, my soul left my body. I gave it about 30 more seconds and turned it off.

WTF happened to this show???

Is this the same writer/director that gave us that awesome world-building episode of BOBF with the ringworld and Din cutting a dude in half and all that awesome stuff.....and now....this??
Not sure I can blame Howard for this though. Black is always Black and he has absolutely no business being in SW
Questionable stunt casting aside I don’t get all the hate.
I pretty much spelled it out. The show's gone from what I'd call 'family fun' to 'children's show' and I can no longer spend time on it. If you're still enjoying it, more power to you.
BTW, Din being suspicious of battle droids that were reprogrammed by some strangers is not a step backwards in his character development. Trusting IG-11 and R5 and the pit droids (programmed by friends Kuiil and Peli Motto) is not on the same level.
This I can get behind.

Also, can Bryce Dallas Howard direct ALL future episodes?
I've found her work on the show to be pretty uneven ... hated the one but I think I found a subsequent outing to be quite good, can't recall which one.
Questionable stunt casting aside I don’t get all the hate. From the previous episode it was obvious that we were going to meet up with Bo’s old crew, and I liked that there was a side quest they had to complete first (one that once again demonstrated the NR’s flawed security methods). And I also liked that Mando was the one to point out that BK was once again entitled to wield the Darksaber. So with her fleet once again available, they are well on their way to uniting with those remaining Mandalorians scattered throughout the galaxy.
BTW, Din being suspicious of battle droids that were reprogrammed by some strangers is not a step backwards in his character development. Trusting IG-11 and R5 and the pit droids (programmed by friends Kuiil and Peli Motto) is not on the same level.

Also, can Bryce Dallas Howard direct ALL future episodes?
People view things differently, but for me basically the script and pacing suck a lot of the time. Important themes/concepts or changes to them, never get built up to, or led to; like the whole helmet thing almost felt like a blow-off even tho Din was actually exiled over it.

The DS thing was a clever out in a way, but again it just felt rushed; and why wasn't it dealt with earlier then? There's also an overdose of sugary cuteness like the Alice in Wonderland crowd and the salad pirate. The whole red button thing was idiotic.

IMO it's not that narratively there are problems - things lead from A to B; it's that it all feels so thin, there's no depth, no grit, for the most part. Then there's the issue of this being the Bo-katan show. What happened to the Din D'jarin in a graffiti-ed bad end of town hanging someone up to get eaten. I remember a whole scene in a desert with a wounded Din and the Child trying to heal him. Great visuals, no words, great music, great scene.

What is going on with this show? IMO the directors have been fine; I have the impression they are working with whatever script has been handed to them and doing their best. Like Disney told them not to spend too much time, because of funding cutbacks. Or something.:stake
For real
I'm kinda speechless over the Alice in Wonderland/tropey boy-girl detector show, all that was missing was the big smooch or naked shower scene when the boy/girl snarking devolves to fade to black hopping into the sack.
Like I'm a rabid fan of this show/characters but what is with the Filoni-ing of this series into a cartoon. The whole rather interesting tension about the Darksaber gets weakly ditched as fast as worrying about Bo-Katan's helmet and the Creed last week. Turns into barely an inconvenience, so Bo-katan can strike a live action pose a la Rebels with her pool boy by her side.
And it's all fine that Axes gets his butt kicked, blah blah, but are we going to see OTHER Mandalorians besides these?
It's not I didn't enjoy all the lavish fluff. But what happened to the head chopping Mando. WTF the Bo-Katan show now? The cheese was strong with this one. Fluffy fluff fluff. My brain hurts.
Well, they finally made it. Mandalorian is now officially 100% for kids
Sure are alot of familiar names in here who claimed they would not watch or stop watching DIStarwars stuff….

Yet here they are week after week posting repeatedly their dismay (with detailed plot analysis) saying they are gone and giving up on Star Wars shows….again

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I told you I'm getting paid to watch damn it!
This exactly. What was the point of bringing Grogu back? Okay I know the real answer 💰. They’ve managed to completely undo the point of season 2, only to bring him back, and he’s done nothing for 6 episodes other than look “cute”. I think we as fans sometimes overestimate them and think they have it all planned out. Favreau has winged BOBF and Mando season 3. Then he comes out and says there’s some great plan and that this season will be like Game of Thrones. He must’ve meant season 8 of Game of Thrones.
Way back, when Favreau pitched the idea, there's articles where he indicated there was a whole arc. Of course, that was before anyone knew the show would be a success and the Child was a secret.

Recently F&F have been talking about the larger universe or something. E.g., I think after the show's success the Way got lost. Instead of small OT hints, and staying pretty much to the Outer Rim, now the show's morphing into cross-overs with other shows and all kinds of dribble like tying to the ST.

Instead of the small show that could, we have bloat. (Like the IW battle in Wakanda IMO should have been one of the most spectacular battles ever put on screen and instead was kind of a blip). Instead of keeping to Din D'jarin as the lone gunslinger who helps at one point to retake Mandalore and then leaves town, now he's a pool boy assisting another politically correct female leader and part of this larger story. Bloat. F&F have lost the Way. In doing more, there's less there. :monkey2
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What is going on with this show? IMO the directors have been fine; I have the impression they are working with whatever script has been handed to them and doing their best. Like Disney told them not to spend too much time, because of funding cutbacks. Or something.:stake

With Filoni busy with Ahsoka, this season just feels like Jon’s been working with Dave’s cliff notes and the order from Execs to bring Grogu back. It definitely seemed directionless and mostly filler this season.

Breaking out Gideon was one minute of last week’s episode and there’s only two more episodes this season to wrap whatever over-arching story there is for Din and Grogu. Because so far, there hasn’t been any outside of his quick swim. And even less for Grogu.
I wonder how much story material was scrapped/changed for this season after Carano was fired and the Rangers show got cancelled. Would not be surprised if this disjointed mess is partially the result of extensive rewrites.
With Filoni busy with Ahsoka, this season just feels like Jon’s been working with Dave’s cliff notes and the order from Execs to bring Grogu back. It definitely seemed directionless and mostly filler this season.

Breaking out Gideon was one minute of last week’s episode and there’s only two more episodes this season to wrap whatever over-arching story there is for Din and Grogu. Because so far, there hasn’t been any outside of his quick swim. And even less for Grogu.
Yeah, like the only point for the season was to hurry up and line characters and Macguffins up so there could be some big crossover event later, with the Ahoska, Boba, and whoever shows.
I suspect some big battle on Mandalore. Which is cool, but I miss S1/S2 when you could actually feel something (not to say there haven't been moments here and there with this season). I miss when the show was actually funny and interesting (like the S1 Mudhorn episode).
Now maybe we're careening to a big splash panel battle. Mythosaurs! Shriek Hawks! Mandalorians! Space Whales! The entire cast of Rebels! The candy Mods! Horribly am reminded of the billion ships that popped out of nowhere in TROS - is J. Abrams on the Disney board or something? *Sigh*:blissysmi
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Pretty much the same thing that people did to Kelly Marie Tran.
Which was weird . Everyone in that movie was awful yet they targeted her specifically. I can’t believe people would stoop so low to harass and send death threats online over a movie. If you feel that strongly about something where you are threatening someone maybe take a step back from the hobby a bit. It’s entertainment. And I hat the ST. That was very crazy. Also poor kid from phantom menace. All he did was play a happy kid and got bullied into schizophrenia. I honestly don’t get what the problem was with his portrayal of young anakin.
Since you opened the can of worms, I'll inquire...was there ever any proof that she was actually harassed on her social media? I remember the whole story all being traced back to a single blog post. Months after the fact she write some story about how people were mean to her, but there were never any screenshots or anything.

That situation reminded me an awful lot of the "If you don't love Reva you're a racist!" strategy of pre-emptively accusing fans.

Same thing with Tran as Best....I think Rose Tico is a complete **** character, but I would never dream of giving Tran a hard time about it. Rian Johnson is the one that sucks and it's his lame-ass loser self-insert character.

But would any of us turn down a role in a SW movie under any circumstances? If they wanted me to play Jar Jar and Rose Tico's love child, I'd do it.
Proof? Come on man you were here during that last Jedi thread. You know why it got locked and why it’s still locked lol. It was a cesspool of negativity. They made a second thread and that got locked to .

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