The new suit looks like poo. You made it look better Andy, but it still doesn't look as good as the comic style suit Reeve wore. While it's certainly gone through changes over the years, cape length, size of the shield, etc., it's remained very, very similar for more than fifty years to the suit in those earlier Superman movies, and that isn't an accident. The suit looks right and fits the character.
In my opinion the 3D chest plaque is very gimmicky and innappropriate to the character. Remind anyone else of the android character in that episode of "Lost in Space"? At least it isn't attached to a neck chain.
Superman wears trunks, not panties.
The dark colors of the costume are rediculous and out of character. This isn't the "Dark Knight" you Warner Bros. design schmoes, it's "The Man of Tomorrow", and the colors should be bright and optimistic, like the man himself.
The person who said this looks like one of those costumes from a cheezy 70's made for TV movie got it just about right. I guess there trying to "Spiderman" it. Add 3D effects to the costume and "update" it. Well, it worked a lot better for Spidey than it appears to be working for Superman.
Why do they do this stuff?