The Next Sideshow StarWars 12" Figure!Thread

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Curt said:
what about the Fetts? complete with all of their gear! and even though it may be gory but with if jango came with a detachable head? i know that hasbro had an idea with this, but they made a battle damaged Maul and Vader 12" set and maul was able to split in to, quite fun to play with actually. and Vader's helmet what able to be taken off, and also his hand.

i agree with u Wor-Gar, they need to make Palpatine and Vader- THEY HAVE TO!!!:emperor
I am sure Siideshow will make MANY Palpatines and MANY Vaders... ;) :D
Curt said:
i agree with u Wor-Gar, they need to make Palpatine and Vader- THEY HAVE TO!!!:emperor

I just have this odd feeling one of them will be offered next -- or for the 1 Year ANNIVERSARY of this line in November.
A Jango would be cool too. Boba as well but since he just came out on PF I'm sure there will be a little wait.

pixletwin said:
I..... AM...... SPEECHLESS...... :monkey2 :google :google :monkey2

Sorry Pix. :( Lando just is not one of my faves. When his figure comes out I'll get it but only because I want them all.
Wor-Gar said:
I just have this odd feeling one of them will be offered next -- or for the 1 Year ANNIVERSARY of this line in November.

i sure hope your gut is right because that would be perfect! i guarantee you that many many other people are feeling it to.
Well, before the crap everyone is giving Sideshow for making Brant into a figure, I would have liked to been a figure via a contest. But since I'm not in the films nobody would by a figure of me (or you if you won and not me). I guess it would only work if the contest winner was also thrown in on the next batch of "Special editions." :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I think Vader or Stormtroopers will be soon for the 30th Anniversary. I just hope Sideshow remembers anniversaries better than most husbands. :D
ok i just have a vision... George Lucas for the anniversary.
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Let's see my man!!!!
Han needs someone to double cross him! :)
Seems like it's time for another fan's choice!
I think it would be cool if they would make Chewbacca, but of course one of the main concerns is his hair.:chew
I don't care what it is, just as long as it's not expanded universe. I'm all for the "if you don't want it don't buy it" concept, but I WANT to spend my money on merch from the films and the more EU stuff they put out, the longer I gotta wait.

Yes, I'm selfish. It's all about me. :D
not hairless, but I'd like more Jedi too.

Barriss Offee
Luminara Unduli
Shaak Ti
Jocasta Nu (yes Im serious)

Just about any female Jedi.
It will probably be another Jedi but Im hoping for a HOTR figure and I think a Lando needs to be represented or would the Bespin attire be more S&V.

If I could pick I want ANH Vader
jason2885 said:
It will probably be another Jedi but Im hoping for a HOTR figure and I think a Lando needs to be represented or would the Bespin attire be more S&V.

If I could pick I want ANH Vader

The real question is which Lando? Bespin Lando to go with Han or Skiff Guard Lando to go with Jabba, Leia, Luke, and jacket-less and gun-less Bespin Han? Skiff Lando would make a better display companion at the moment, but a Bespin Lando is more iconic. :confused:
jason2885 said:
It will probably be another Jedi but Im hoping for a HOTR figure and I think a Lando needs to be represented or would the Bespin attire be more S&V.

If I could pick I want ANH Vader

YEAH BESPIN LANDO! I think Bespin Lando would fit HOTR he was good in the end and helped! I mean he was good all along, just misguided. I'ddie if it wasLando. I reall hope it's OT, BUT I wouldn't mind Dooku!
For "easy" non-armored figures, Bespin Lando is a no-brainer!

Equally "easy", non-armored and Imperial? Grand Moff Tarkin.

I think given their great work with the "aliens with human bodies" (Kit Fisto, Plo Koon) they could do a lot:
- Greedo (although would be best with a nearby ANH Han Solo)
- Sasee Tinn
- Admiral Ackbar

Another "easy human" would be Count Dooku. The problem I have is that the Hasbro version is pretty damn good. What would push me over the edge on him besides great sculpting is something I'd like to see from all further Sideshow figures...die cast (or die-cast based with plastic parts) saber hilts.