The next Star Wars PF is...

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I still would love to see OT Emperor Palpatine in his throne. THAT would be an amazing PF figure. The exclusive could be Luke's lightsaber at his side like in the movie...

"take your Jedi weopon. Strike me down with it..."

Oh yeah, THAT would be an AWESOME exclusive!
Captain Aldeggon said:
I still would love to see OT Emperor Palpatine in his throne. THAT would be an amazing PF figure. The exclusive could be Luke's lightsaber at his side like in the movie...

"take your Jedi weopon. Strike me down with it..."

Oh yeah, THAT would be an AWESOME exclusive!

I second that! The best suggestion I have heard so far!:emperor :emperor
Palpatine on the throne with Luke's saber would be awesome, I might buy that one as opposed to a plain old palpatine. But I seem to recall there being some discussion about Lucasfilm not letting companies duplicate poses and that there is already a palpatine on his thrown... But we can still hope, can't we?

Edit for Tom,
But Boba Fett would be way cooler!
There's a statue of Empy in his throne, but not a mixed media figure. And the pose could be different. He could have his legs crossed at the knee and be giving a sly "come hither" wink...
Do we need a sideshow please do (or do not) sex up Emperor Palpatine thread?
Captain Aldeggon said:
I still would love to see OT Emperor Palpatine in his throne. THAT would be an amazing PF figure. The exclusive could be Luke's lightsaber at his side like in the movie...

"take your Jedi weopon. Strike me down with it..."

Oh yeah, THAT would be an AWESOME exclusive!

Even if they don't include Luke's lightsaber, just use the spare hilt from the SSC 12 inch version. :)
If SS were to make a 1/4 Emperor, I'd like to see him standing with cane in hand. I like the "sitting on throne" idea; and, eventhough SS would make on better, I feel it'd be too much of a bite off the Attakus Emps. Even more than that though, I'd rather see a 1/4 Sidious with saber.
If we're going to see Sidious with a saber my preference would be for the fight with Mace...unless the exclusive is Yoda. :naughty
Agent0028 said:
If we're going to see Sidious with a saber my preference would be for the fight with Mace...unless the exclusive is Yoda. :naughty

maybe the exclusive could be kitt fisto's head, or mace windu's arm?? btw read the novel!!! the fight is so much better than what we saw in the movie.
hairlesswookiee said:
maybe the exclusive could be kitt fisto's head, or mace windu's arm?? btw read the novel!!! the fight is so much better than what we saw in the movie.

True that, it sure was. everything was bigger and better in the book but i still loved the movie.
Vader AL said:
True that, it sure was. everything was bigger and better in the book but i still loved the movie.

of course i still loved the movie. i just prefer reading the books anyday of the week. even TPM was a good book. :D the good thing is: they already have the ability to produce kitts head and mace's arm because they can just produce a couple extra bits from the 12" run.

unless of course they give me the emperor in PF like i want.
For some reason, I am expecting a 1/4 scale ROTJ Palpatine, and a 12" ROTS Sidious to duel with Mace and Kit. I will be surprised if this isn't what happens.
tomandshell said:
For some reason, I am expecting a 1/4 scale ROTJ Palpatine, and a 12" ROTS Sidious to duel with Mace and Kit. I will be surprised if this isn't what happens.

I hope you're right about the 12" ROTS Sidious, but I really want the 1/4 PF to be some incarnation of Boba Fett.
tomandshell said:
For some reason, I am expecting a 1/4 scale ROTJ Palpatine, and a 12" ROTS Sidious to duel with Mace and Kit. I will be surprised if this isn't what happens.

You're just trying not to get your hopes up :D . And it's OK. I wouldn't be terribly upset with either of those. If Boba isn't next in the PF line, I really hope it's some version on Palps. I'd prefer the Mace fight, but ROTJ would be great too.