Is his hair supposed to be that golden o-o?
It's more of a stylistic choice for some of the scenes in H2 based off lighting. I just really liked the color, as it was a little different. Most people go for that H1 look. By 81 the mask was breaking down because of the latex quality of the old don post masks, and it had a real grungy look. Dirt, stretching, and the hair had changed colors. I wanted something to play to that as I love the look of H2.
I love it
Though pure accuracy wise, even though the blonde was showing through at that point my mask is a bit more blonde than it should be. Oh well. Also, keep in mind my pics are out in the sun so its showing all colors.
Yeah TOT2 is your only option sub $200 dollars. Its very glossy and white in the light, and the hair isn't fantastic, but it actually has the right shape. My other complaint about the TOT is that it's just huge. Very hard to get to fit on your face, which is where all the magic in wearing a Halloween mask comes from. I had to wear a beanie and a sponge to get mine to sit right.
You can get it touched up for probably another $50 bucks or whatever if you do it yourself. I didn't want to find latex cement paint or whatever and attempt it myself.
Some of the original HMKs were $1000 bucks and the guy I bought this copy off paid $500.
I got it off him for $200 + shipping so I feel good about it.