Super Freak
Let me put this in perspective. A good par of NVG's cost a grand, a bad pair about $200. Do the math.
False, a good pair cost at least $3K+.
But who the hell really cares, these are for fun, not hunting terrorists in the mountains of Afghanistan. Jeez....
If you don't want them, then don't buy the Prestige Edition!! It's really just that simple.
Dude, people paid more or less this price for a stupid ^^^^ing helmet that you couldn't even wear in the Halo 3 super duper edition. Same difference. This arguement is the lulz.
At least you can wear these and then put them on Soap's head!!
Hey, I just hope they fit my 7 3/4 head!!!! lolololololol
All my (and way to ^^^^ing many) New Era caps are all in 7 3/4. If that's 8 inches, then yes.
UK call of duty fans....the prestige edition is an hmv exclusive
Are they like in that they don't ship stuff like games outside the UK?
If so, LAME!!! :emperor
Overseas Courier Delivery: You will be charged a shipping cost for each item placed on your order - £27 Europe, £37 Rest Of The World. Orders will be dispatched using FedEx. This method is fully secure, and we can track and trace the shipment for you. Orders placed by this method should reach you within 2-3 days of despatch for European destinations, and within 3-5 days of despatch for the Rest Of The World. Orders sent via this method will require a signature upon receipt.
Nice I am gonna see if GS puts this up for order and then I will just switch my order over to the prestige edition.
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I am getting this for sure !