The Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread

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I beat the game on Normal the other day and I plan on starting a Veteran campaign before too long. I've been having a blast online and I'm trying to master the throwing knife.
Ok, so I ended up past the submarine level last night before going to bed and I don't get it? What's the big deal about this game? Sure the graphics are nice but so they are in a lot of games. :huh

*runs and hides*

The multiplayer is where the game really shines. Spec Ops is good too.

The singleplayer campaign is crap, in my opinion.
I reckon the campaign is great. The oilrig levels and then the last few with Price are some of the best levels to be played on any game going.

And as for prestiging, I think it's crap that the AK is unlocked on the final rank level before prestige, what's the point in that!
Gizmodo's MW2 themed photoshop contest:

My fave:
The multiplayer is where the game really shines. Spec Ops is good too.

The singleplayer campaign is crap, in my opinion.

Interesting. Just curious, what specifically didn’t you like about it?

The multi-player is great; the vast majority of gamers who bought this game bought it for the multi-player aspect. I’ve used this comparison before, and I’ll use it again: the multi-player mode in MW2 is the focus, and the single-player campaign is the bonus, whereas the single-player mode in Uncharted 2 is the focus, and the multiplayer is the bonus. That’s why it’s impressive that Infinity Ward put so much effort to the single-player campaign. I’m not a FPS fan, have never been, but MW1 and MW2 are the only FPS games I play, but IW could have just paid lip service to the single-player mode.
I think it's crap that the AK is unlocked on the final rank level before prestige, what's the point in that!

MW2 has baffled me with their weaponry selection, given the predecessors in all of the lists are superior to the latter unlockables in every conceivable way. It leads me to wonder if the implication is that those latter weapons are actually better (in which case, its obvious the developers haven't had any hands-on experience), or if the latter guns are just for the elitists who like the style points of a gun more than its performance?

I mean, think about it, the cheapest, most common assault rifle in the world, the AK, is the last weapon unlocked in the game. Meanwhile, players get the most obscure, expensive weaponry I've never even heard of from the get go? And of those, by the way, the Steyr-Aug is not included?

(PS. I will ???? a brick if the AK stats are better than the M16 or M4.)

The SMG selection is much the same - the Uzi is the last unlocked.

Shotguns are the same, too, now that I think of it.

Also, the 50 caliber sniper rifle, which is by far the most powerful in the sniper line up on MW2, is available to all - not one of the last unlockables as I figured it would be. The M21, the weakest of the sniper rifles, if I recall, is the last one to be unlocked.

And what's with dropping the Dragonuv for the WA2000? Again, a mass produced, readily available rifle is replaced for another exotic piece that was one of maybe two hundred of its kind made over twenty years ago. (I love the WA2000, though!)

Don't get me wrong on my tirade/rant, I'm not being negative about it, at all - I just think the structure is really weird.
:lol I've not tried it yet. Any tips ?. :monkey1

Two player co-op. My friend stayed at the spawn point and shot at the Juggernauts as they entered view at the top of the staircase. I was at the base of the stairs but against the back railing with the thermal scope sniper rifle you get (I think it was the Intervention). I had my scope aimed at the top of the stairs too--through the grating of course. That meant I had a clean frontal shot at each Juggernaut as they appeared. My friend would shoot at them to distract, slow, and soften them. I would fire through the grating. Usually two shots killed them.
Interesting. Just curious, what specifically didn’t you like about it?

The multi-player is great; the vast majority of gamers who bought this game bought it for the multi-player aspect. I’ve used this comparison before, and I’ll use it again: the multi-player mode in MW2 is the focus, and the single-player campaign is the bonus, whereas the single-player mode in Uncharted 2 is the focus, and the multiplayer is the bonus. That’s why it’s impressive that Infinity Ward put so much effort to the single-player campaign. I’m not a FPS fan, have never been, but MW1 and MW2 are the only FPS games I play, but IW could have just paid lip service to the single-player mode.

That comparison is fair, but I don't consider it valid. Are we supposed to give IW a pass for a short, unoriginal campaign if one considers it the "bonus"? No, I don't. There are a smattering of rival games that have both a compelling multiplayer mode and single-player campaign. Also, the multiplayer in MW2 is an iteration or evolution of the one that came before (COD4), so it's not entirely new. It's updated, more fun to play, more balanced, but not NEW. I won't overly praise IW for that in the same way I'd praise Naughty Dog for developing a brand new multiplayer mode to accompany an incredible single player campaign.

I don't think the single player campaign in MW2 is impressive in the least, and I consider it less impressive when I think about how long and how often IW has worked on this franchise.

Tell me what's so great about MW2's campaign that makes it stand out from it's predecessor and other games in the genre? The enemy AI is the same (it's mostly heavily scripted), the shooting feels the same, the story is told the same poor way, the characters aren't really characters but tools to move the plot along, it's just as short, it doesn't look that much better,
I'm not saying it's a bad game. It's done really well. But I felt the same way about Halo. CoD and Halo are really very popular and I just don't understand why. It's probably because I'm not a big 1st person shooter fan so my opinion is probably jaded. But I guess the point I'm trying to make or question I'm asking is I just don't understand why Halo and CoD are so popular vs other 1st person shooter type games. The multi-player point makes good sense though.
Maybe "crap" is too strong a word? Unimpressive, then. Yeah. I was just disappointed.

Remember when COD campaigns lasted 10 hours and longer? Man, those were the good days. When COD was still fresh and not overexposed.
I'm not saying it's a bad game. It's done really well. But I felt the same way about Halo. CoD and Halo are really very popular and I just don't understand why. It's probably because I'm not a big 1st person shooter fan so my opinion is probably jaded. But I guess the point I'm trying to make or question I'm asking is I just don't understand why Halo and CoD are so popular vs other 1st person shooter type games. The multi-player point makes good sense though.
The reason they're so popular is a mix of them being the best playing, looking, satisfying and most addictive shooters available. The online aspect is a major aspect as to why it is popular. COD has the best reputation of online play so naturally it's gonna sell loads. That plus the fact some people will have bought it just because of the hype etc.
I personally would like to see Medal of Honor come back and take the crown back. Storming the beaches of Normandy has yet to be topped in a war shooter for me.

Not me. Airborne had a great idea, but still fell short on its face. Medal of Honor had its time in the limelight and I prefer if Call of Duty and/or Brothers in Arms continue to dominate it.
That comparison is fair, but I don't consider it valid. Are we supposed to give IW a pass for a short, unoriginal campaign if one considers it the "bonus"? No, I don't. There are a smattering of rival games that have both a compelling multiplayer mode and single-player campaign. Also, the multiplayer in MW2 is an iteration or evolution of the one that came before (COD4), so it's not entirely new. It's updated, more fun to play, more balanced, but not NEW. I won't overly praise IW for that in the same way I'd praise Naughty Dog for developing a brand new multiplayer mode to accompany an incredible single player campaign.

I don't think the single player campaign in MW2 is impressive in the least, and I consider it less impressive when I think about how long and how often IW has worked on this franchise.

Tell me what's so great about MW2's campaign that makes it stand out from it's predecessor and other games in the genre? The enemy AI is the same (it's mostly heavily scripted), the shooting feels the same, the story is told the same poor way, the characters aren't really characters but tools to move the plot along, it's just as short, it doesn't look that much better,

My comparison regarding Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2 wasn't meant to argue the point, it was simply a statement. And honestly, I can't compare Modern Warfare to any other games in this genre (FPS games with multi-player and single-player campaigns) because I am not a fan of FPS. Never was, and I don't play them, with the exception of the Modern Warfare series. I can only speak for myself, but what stands out for me personally is the story and the set pieces that IW used to advance the story. I loved infiltrating the Russian air base in Khazakstan, and the oil rig. Breaching the rooms in the oil rig and rescuing the hostages was awesome. Storming the gulag was awesome, and finding out that Prisoner 627 (if that was the number) was Captain Price was a "whoa" moment for me.

Maybe "crap" is too strong a word? Unimpressive, then. Yeah. I was just disappointed.

Remember when COD campaigns lasted 10 hours and longer? Man, those were the good days. When COD was still fresh and not overexposed.

Again, I can't comment on this. I've only played MW1 and MW2. I was just curious as to what you disliked about it/were disappointed with.
Just finished the campaign and the story really grew on me. I might just have to play the original modern warfare. :cool:

But I'll probably go back to Gears for on-line play. I'll play this a bit but I'm not very good so at least in Gears I can blame the host advantage or issues with the game when I don't do so well. :rotfl
Just finished the campaign and the story really grew on me. I might just have to play the original modern warfare. :cool:

But I'll probably go back to Gears for on-line play. I'll play this a bit but I'm not very good so at least in Gears I can blame the host advantage or issues with the game when I don't do so well. :rotfl

Cool man!!! Glad you enjoyed it. I hate when people pigeonhole a game because of the genre. Soap is a badass!!!! The first game is just as great....especially the sniping mission with Price.
Hate that I can shoot a guy in the head with my sniper rifle 4 times and he not die, but he can take one or two shots and usualyl kill me in one hit.
I know the feeling. Tonight, I was losing it because I snuck up on a camper and about three feet away from him, took aim with my M16 w/ ACOG directly on the back of his helmet... already know the rest of the story, I'm sure...

Yeah, 3 round burst to the head and he survived - turned around and knifed me at an equal distance.