The Official PATIENT Zero PF Picture Thread

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Oh yeah, and is the band on his left arm any different than the international version?


yes..the same.

sorry for the bad focus.
Hey Felmar!

Give us your input on the piece. I'm dying to know what you think of it.....

It looks great to me.....

This piece is extremely nice...
great sculpt and the clothes look fantastic...blood on the fabric is well done.
The face is the my favorite part, the eyes and mouth are disturbingly good.

Now the unfortunate flaw..
perhaps only the one I have, hopefully for you guys...

The removable hands are off on the color...the difference is noticeable, almost looks like hes wearing a glove.
Here's a shot to show that-

The removable hands are off on the color...the difference is noticeable, almost looks like hes wearing a glove.
Here's a shot to show that-


You could do a light wash of black above the watch and try to blend it in with the rest of the hand. But honestly it doesn't bother me much because the watch might be very tight making his hand dark....:D
Thanks for the pics Felmar! Not as much blood as it is on the proto but still looks great! Tomorrow can't come to soon!
BAD ASS!!!!!!!!!
Everything looks great to me! With the exception of the off color hand but, that can be fixed.:D
Hey Filipe, Congrats on being the first to post exclusive photos! It looks killer! (no pun intended) :D

Also, where is the "Official Registry for Patient Zero Exclusives!!!" thread? :rotfl
Now the unfortunate flaw..
perhaps only the one I have, hopefully for you guys...

The removable hands are off on the color...the difference is noticeable, almost looks like hes wearing a glove.
Here's a shot to show that-


This bothers me. A fairly obvious change in tone.
This bothers me. A fairly obvious change in tone.

I contacted Sideshow about it today..emailed them a pic as well.

I'll let you guys know what I hear back.


Looking forward on seeing more pics tomorrow :banana
I have to be honest. I really wish I could have gotten one. I just couldn't afford him.

Now for the second truth. I would want the exclusive purely for the edition size. But I could 100% deal with the regular. Why?

If I had the exclusive I would never display it holding the hand. I just wouldn't. IMO it looks better without it. If it maybe had a head with some spine coming out that may have been different. Or even a whole leg. I just don't picture a zombie treasuring a hand like I do a more substantial piece of the human body. :dunno

But damn this thing looks nice and I am sad I don't have him in my collection. :monkey2