Oh my lord! 9 hours are gone from your life...
The Necromancer is the same dude with the crazy mouth at the end of the extended edition of ROTK right? I read all the books, but it's been so long, I can't recall what his part was in the whole saga...
Me personally, I can't wait for the extended edition bluray to be released so I can waste even more hours of my life watching!![]()
With a 3 hour movie; I kind of doubt that. If there were one released; I'd be all over it though cause for a book to span 3 movies; what material did they leave out? ****, good question, let's see what they left out when and if an extended version is released. It has to be obviously a lot, right? It's been forever since I read the book. I was in middle school. Cripes.
By the way; did anyone see development photos Elijah Wood's Frodo all twisted and scary looking? It was a planned scene of a what-if-vision of the ring taking over Frodo. Pretty neat.
NOT A IF BUT WHEN....25 minutes(or maybe more) footage....
NOT A IF BUT WHEN....25 minutes(or maybe more) footage....
I'm buying these movies on Blu-Ray so many times![]()
Frank the crown looked the same to me when I saw it today.
This and the LOTR does take me back to the old Ray Harryhausen era of films, Sinbad etc...plus think back about all the fantasy films out there that I've seen for a half century these are the beast and without a doubt my favorite...being a Tolkien fan of course helps again in that regard...There were some good ones out there in the eighties...My favorite fantasy film after LOTR/Hobbit is Excalibur...Lots of profound stuff in that film worthy of multiple views to make sure you catch it all...plus the settings are simply marvelous