just me
Pretty boring this year. Not even any really good dresses to look at
I like Ellen, but I don't know if she's a very good host for the Oscars. And I don't know about Jerry Seinfield either - he seems a little dated. I don't know who I'd pick - Billy Crystal will always be my favorite.
As for the winners - glad the Departed won, although I was secretly cheering for Little Miss Sunshine
I was just amazed it got nominated at all. And to have it win best original screenplay and best supporting actor was great! Best actor and actress were a shoe-in. Kinda cool to see the American Idol cast-off win. And Marty of course!
Pan's winning 3 was awesome too! But how could it not win best foreign language film
There were WAY to many montages, as usual. The Will Farrell/Jack Black thing was embarrassingly bad. Acrobatic visuals - kinda cute, especially the penguins... at least it was a unique idea. I liked Will Smith's kid a LOT - he's adorable!
Anyway, I will ALWAYS watch the Oscars just because, well, they are the Oscars. And I like to ogle at famous people once in a while and think, well, what would *I* say if I were on the stage?

I like Ellen, but I don't know if she's a very good host for the Oscars. And I don't know about Jerry Seinfield either - he seems a little dated. I don't know who I'd pick - Billy Crystal will always be my favorite.
As for the winners - glad the Departed won, although I was secretly cheering for Little Miss Sunshine
Pan's winning 3 was awesome too! But how could it not win best foreign language film
There were WAY to many montages, as usual. The Will Farrell/Jack Black thing was embarrassingly bad. Acrobatic visuals - kinda cute, especially the penguins... at least it was a unique idea. I liked Will Smith's kid a LOT - he's adorable!
Anyway, I will ALWAYS watch the Oscars just because, well, they are the Oscars. And I like to ogle at famous people once in a while and think, well, what would *I* say if I were on the stage?