The Penguin (The Batman) limited series | HBO Max

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Maybe they worry about diminishing Batman's impact on the Big Screen if he's on TV aswell. Although I don't know why that wouldn't apply even more to Superman.
Yeah, there could be a logical explanation along these lines. Frankly Batman is overexposed in films alone, put aside cartoons and comics. If he was also overexposed with tv shows (most of which being sub-par) then that could potentially hurt the brand.

Though Superman has a lot of exposure, he hasn't had near the exposure that Batman does in film and animated TV.
While i’m all for Batman being a cinema only character lets not pretend that Batman Forever, Batman and Robin and The Dark Knight Rises didn’t have a negative impact on the Batman brand.

Yes Dark Knight Rises, that silly freaking voice of his lol
That being said,

While i’m hearing great things about the show what seriously worries me is that five episodes in and they don’t ever mention the name Batman once, not ONCE!

That’s very unrealistic considering this takes place after the damn movie.
