Re: How has the flu season been for you?
^you can shove that can of worms up yer hooha. just wrap it up nicely with tinfoil.
If the government conducted experiments on American citizens telling them they were getting good medical care the whole time once, they will do it again.
The CIA ran drugs during the Vietnam war with Air America. what makes you think they ever stopped running drugs somewhere else? Drugs are illegal because it allows the price the government gets to be higher, AND it allows them to legally eliminate the competition.
What's to stop them??? Who had the power to stop them? Big business has the money and power and so does the government. They government conspires with big business for the sake of big business profits. That's Fascism.
The government pays for private airport for the Walton family who owns Wal-Mart, 6 people who make 120 million a year apiece. They can pay for their own airport. Fascism.
Big companies like Wal Mart, Mc Donalds, ect don't pay a living wage to employees so the government pays them welfare, all so that those CEOs can have higher profits. Fascism.
Government bails out banks and big businesses so they can stay in business without those people who made the bad business decisions having to pay to bail out their businesses THEMSELVES out of their own assets. That's corporate welfare. Big businesses get far more welfare than poor people.
That's fascism.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”-Benito Mussolini. He should know. He was the fascist dictator of Italy during WW2.
Big business has a lot of money to make off of vaccines and medical treatments, and they control the media to control the spin of health information in the mainstream, to control public perception. They do this to protect profits. Who keeps them in check? Not the government. The government is helping them.
Who has the power to actually promote REAL health reform where it is needed? Not the government and not the super rich with power. Gee, I guess NO ONE could ever bring about health reform. They have all the power and can do whatever they want.
They will lie to people and people will believe it, because people were conditioned by the public school system to be obedient.
They lie to people.
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” -Adolf Hitler
That's how people are. Raise any real criticism of the mainstream for that reason and most people will ALWAYS perceive you as a kook. ALWAYS.
The point I'm making with government involvement with vaccines is that they can't be trusted, because they are conspiring with big businesses and looking after THEIR interests first, NOT the public at large, despite what people have been led to believe. People have been told that the government looks out for "the people" because it assures that the masses are cooperative. That's the public school system at work. Churning out new sheep every day.
"We the people" really means the rich and powerful people.