How much was Jabba???
What the hell would the exclusive be then???
In my opinion the first Vader will either be ROTS of ANH.
ROTS because it will be the reveal Vader they can (kind of) afford to make mistakes on so that the ROTJ will be an improvement.
ANH because it will be the easiest Vader to do.
My guess is ANH Vader will be first, Sidehow's been developing the ANH crew strongly and I think they, I do, will see the ANH Obi-Wan - Vader pairing to be the most pivotal one they could generate, with ESB Luke-Vader and then ROTJ Luke-Vader following suit. I want ANH, I care more to have Ben and Vader together than the father and son pairing.
It's only been a long time without armor if you get hung up on those types of characters. I love Darth Vader and I want one from Sideshow, but I've been enjoying everything we've gotten over the last few years, they're fine products, cool characters, and I've built a beautiful collection and when I look at it all together, I see a great gathering of beautiful figures, it never crosses my mind who is or isn't in the mix.
Yep. Quite a nice variety of SW stuff so far. We have a freakin' Jabba and a holochess set for cryin' out loud. How cool is that?
From the newsletter last year
"We do have plans to bring our own Star Wars armored characters to the market in the next couple of years-Perfection takes time after all. In the meantime, we are proud to offer some of these fabulous overseas collectibles to our U.S. customers, so you don't have to pay import and international shipping fees!"
"Perfection takes time"-thats the reason stated.
End of thread.
Get yourself a Bad boy Hurricane Vader !
If your not gonna pay Medi because all their figures are short arses
Then get one of Glenns !
Not only will you have a great Vader but yours will have a light up cathode sabre and be very very limited !
SS wouldnt do any worse than getting hold of Glenn and getting his construction stuff ! I mean imagine a Vader Exclusive with a cathode sabre !
This thread has evolved past its original ill intentions. It was "hijacked" by the forces of good.
That's the direction I'm anticipating Josh. I don't know if you have the Boushh figure or not, but if you feel the shoulder armor compared to your HT Colonial Marine gear, they're quite similar in how rigid and firm they are, and yet surprisingly the pieces are light weight. I'm with you in the idea that it'd be nice for armored figures to really feel, not just look, armored, like the Colonial Marines who feel like they could actually go into little 1/6 battle and survive a beating because they're protected.