I like to think I am a little advanced but no pro by any means.
I have done the super slow before but have not in some time. I will give it a shot.
I do triceps weekly as well. Any suggestions there.
Just sittig in the train on my way to university and Im bored.

Edit: well, I started writing this in the train and finished in my break lol.
Here is a nice workout for you. Credit goes to Mark Lauren as it is based on his very first beginner workout. However this was so intensive, that I have decided to just change it a little and keep it in my regular schedule. When I really dont want to go to the gym and had a bad day (I tend to be very impulsive), this workout helps to come down. It is not only for the arms but also for chest and shoulders. You will never see me doing a workout just for the arms. See your body as a whole. Do not train just parts of it. I go even further and say if you just train the suggested big muscles as they tell you in most gyms, you will sooner or later have massive problems not only with your appeareance, but also with your physique, shape and overal condition. You need to focus on every part and every muscle equaly.
You can either do it as a regular workout or just do it as a special when you feel you want to do something different (this is what I do). If you want to do it as a regular workout, do it for max 4 weeks, twice a week with at least 2 days rest between the two workouts. Best would be to do it on Monday and Thursday while you do the second workout for back and legs on Tuesday and Saturday. If you feel the need to do sports a fith day in the week, you can always have a 45min run in the forest on Sunday morning.
My friend and I call the workout the "Schlampen Nummer". Translated it is losing a little the fun because it is a double meaning in German: 1) ***** number (this is the origin as my friend got the number of a nameless girl after we did this workout back last summer); 2) ***** performance (because this workout is always good before you meet your exgirl, because you will look like a beast for the rest of the day; that was obviously my part that particular day...).
Anyway heres the workout:
All 4 exercises are executed as "pyramid". In case you dont know what that is: you start with 1 rep, rest 1 sec; than 2 reps, rest 2 secs; 3 reps, rest 3 secs; etc. Move on until you wouldnt be able to perform 1 more rep. This is usually for a normal guy like you and me between rep 8 to 12 reps (for push ups). Than you go all the way down to 1 rep (eg. 9 reps, 9 secs rest; 10 reps, 10 secs rest; 9 reps, 9 secs rest; 8 reps, 8 secs rest; etc.). When you are back at 1 rep., start your way back up again. You dont need to reach the reps you have done max in the forst pyramid. Its perfectly allright if you stay in the low reps. The only important thing is to not completly weaken your muscles. The aim is to survive the exercise for 8 mins. If you cannot do the next step (eg after 9 reps you fail to perform 10), you have gone too far (in the example you should have started to go down at 9 and performed 8 in the next move). After the 8 minutes, rest for 90 seconds. Not more, this is a mensworkout and nothing for little girls.
Exercises to perform in chronological order:
- Pushup (you can do a variation by put your hands close together or go wider. As you will need your arms later too I suggest to just perform a normal pushup with the hand positioned shoulder wide)
- military press (basically a pushup with wide hands and the butt raised up) - this will already be tough after the pushup exercise. Enjoy the pain! If you dont know the exercise, please google it.
- reversed push up (you will need a table or whatever on that heigth. Lay down on the groung put your hands on the table and raise yourself up. Your body keeps straight line from feet to head while performing)
- dips (this will totally kill your triceps as a final exercise)
While you rest you are allowed to drink. I drink very much during this workout because it is just so intensive. During the first 30 seconds however I keep pushing blood into the used muscles. Some people say this helps, some say it is not working, but I have the impression that my muscles recover faster for the next set and I perfrom a little better. And yes, you look like RedHulk afterwards.
Once again, credit goes to Mark Lauren. Buy his book, it has become my Bibel. I even bought the ladies edition for my girl, but it is such a great addition that I keep working with it too.