Super Freak
Somebody been doing military press haha.
I've been trying each body part 2 days a week, and that includes squats. Squat game has been going up, but it definitely takes a toll on your body. Been incorporating 20rep squats on my light days too, using my 10 rep max and squeezing out the reps. Really burns the heck outta your quads.
So if I train shoulders and back separate from my chest, should I be doing shoulder press on shoulder day or chest day? Cuz pressing after chest day really doesn't make any sense to me right now.. Trying to perfect my routine atm
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I decided to try "push and pull days" On push days, I do chest, shoulders, and triceps. Then I do legs altogether on one day. Pull days is back and bicep. I do the three days in that order to allow for healing. I'd space those days out somewhat. It's a nice three day rotation since I don't have a ton of free time to go to the gym 5 days a week.
Sounds like you have a real solid plan! I think every basic program works if you give it time, and Yeah I'm just a little confused cuz flies and stuff are technically called pull exercises haha.
I work each body part twice a week so I try not to train back too much on my second back day since I do dead lifts AND squats on leg day and such. So my volume for shoulders and back alternates each shoulder/back day. (Confusing kinda) [emoji23]
Also I like having a separate day for my shoulders from my push day cuz I really like to hammer in the volume for them. As you can see I'm a very confused individual [emoji23] but it's all good, still working out the kinks and stuff as I go along. I might just put shoulder press on push day and work out the rest of the delts on the next day..
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If you don't mind me asking, are you trying to trim your muscles/lose weight or gain mass/power?
Mass/strength atm. I'm trying to clean bulk until September
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Cool man. What kind of whey protein or diet are you doing with it? I'm always curious what other lifters do.
Did you just start using this brand of protein or just start using protein again recently? If so i would ease into it until your stomach gets accustomed to it.
Thanks for all the tips, Shawpaw.
Also, guys, are any of you experiencing an upset stomach after drinking a protein shake? I drink Whey protein (ON brand) and for the life of me my stomach gets really upset (after workouts). I usually go to the gym with an empty stomach so I don't know if that plays a part. I do work out very earl though (6:00 am) so I'm really not hungry at all. All I take before going is Cellucor to get a kick.