Looking through the pics I took a few years ago when I was thinking of listing them on ebay, it looks like I have nearly every figure through Series 7 of Spawn, along with the variant figures and exclusive website collector versions all carded and sealed. Along with most of the Total Chaos, Wetworks and Youngblood series of figures. And pretty much most of those same figures loose as well. Then I have the battle Horse set, Violator Chopper set, Malebolgia & Medieval Spawn 2pk, and the Spawn III boxed figure with the giant fold out cape. I have the 12" supersize violator, Spiked Spawn from the Movie, and The Spawn Alley Playset from the movie (which included Spawn, Violator & a figure of the man Todd McFarlane himself). Some I have more than 1 carded, but I'd have to physically go through the boxes to know which figures I have multiples of.
Then I have a whole bunch of newer figures only loose, as I stopped buying multiples and only to open the figures I liked. I'd have to go through those pictures and make a full list next, but since they are not carded that would take much more time to figure out what figures they are and from what series. Looks like loose I was buying up through series 25. But not many past maybe series 17. And all the loose figures are I believe complete and in great shape, with the exception of maybe only a handful. They were all placed in ziplock bags and put in boxes, but over time some may have warped a little or have some broken bits due to the figures weight of being on top of each other..
Like I said... A whole lot of Spawn figures..