The Star Wars Holiday Special

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I once had a girlfriend who knew nothing about Star Wars and had no interest in it all. One night she finally agreed to watch it, and I popped in the Star Wars Holiday special! She watched ALL of it and was speechless at the end! She couldn't believe that this is what the whole Star Wars hype was about! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
Can you copyright a turd?

Well, you know how tight Lucas' grip is on everything and anything related to SW. It's just a bit surprising to see him let this float out there for matter how bad it is.
Well, you know how tight Lucas' grip is on everything and anything related to SW. It's just a bit surprising to see him let this float out there for matter how bad it is.

What do you think he has bounty hunters running around ready to pop a cap in whoever watches this crap?
I made it thorough a half hour or so and gave up. Between the monotonous wookie growling, Art Carney selling grooming tools to Imperials, Luke looking like a drag queen and the Harvey Korman cooking segment, I just couldn't take any more.

And that old wookie is the most horrifying thing I've ever seen in my life. That face is pure nightmare fuel.
What do you think he has bounty hunters running around ready to pop a cap in whoever watches this crap?

Yes, that's exactly what I think. :rolleyes:

All I'm saying is that stuff like this usually gets pulled from YouTube or Google Video for copyright reasons.
When they introduce Mark Hammill, he looks like a chick with that eye make-up.

Art Carney -- couldn't they at least ask him to remove his glasses?

Harvey Korman -- wouldn't be a "Special" with him.

Jefferson Starship - nuff said.

Best part is the commercials from an era long gone.
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I remember reading in an interview with George, where he once said that If He had enough time and money to do it ( I ythink he's got the cash noe, perhaps one day he'll have time) He'd find every DVD, VSH and Any other copy of this that is out there and smash it with a hammer.
I got a copy of the Holiday special about 2 years ago and I still haven gotten up enough courage to watch it.
You Star Wars fans must accept that this thing is canon and part of Star Wars continuity.


Poor bastards....:lol:lol
I, for one, appreciate the link. I have never seen the Holiday Special and I have always wanted to. Thank You!
Say that after you've watched it. :D

I did actually watch the whole thing earlier. It is a really weird show to say the least! There are so many strange things that happen in these two hours- singing, dancing, comedy (sort of), a virtual hooker. It really does feel like a dated 1970s variety show. I guess that's what they were going for. :confused:

Besides the cartoon, I think the cantina scene is good to watch just because you get to see a lot of the aliens in detail. That and Bea Arthur singing.