The Strain on FX - starts July 13

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Oh well, if the show makes it to that point, perhaps they will elaborate a little more on the subject for those of us readers left scratching our heads.
Just watch episode 2 The show is starting to hit its stride. An overall solid episode. My only complaint is there are way too many commercials. I wish this was on HBO or Showtime
Just watch episode 2 The show is starting to hit its stride. An overall solid episode. My only complaint is there are way too many commercials. I wish this was on HBO or Showtime

Agreed on all counts.
Good episode. Fet was awesome. When he started speaking Russian I got annoyed because I figured they were gonna go the immigrant route instead of him being born in NY but instead we got a thick NY accent with a bit of Russian which I thought was perfect. Also I grinned when he pulled out his trusty piece of rebar. They also proved yet again that the guy playing Eichorst was perfectly cast. The lawyer part was so good. I loved how they shot the scene at Bolivars house how they would almost show nudity or strategically cover up bits only to have the one girl jump up and you can see the pasties on her ****s haha.

I still absolutely hate that the little girl is talking in this. Just hate it.
Watched the first episode and actually thought it was really good. Have the second ep on the DVR. I hope it continues on as I'd hate to start to really get into a series and have it be cancelled.
Episode 2 was solid. It's not as scary as I'd hope for, but the changes make sense within the format's hour. Loved the introduction of Fet; he'll be a fan favorite
Mondo has two posters up for sale.


not digging those posters and I agree, way too many commercials. I was hoping for a little more in the episode.
I love how the poster is kind of designed around the eclipse which has only been very briefly mentioned in the show. Like so brief that I had barely noticed it.
Can someone that read the books explain to me whats the deal with Thomas Eichorst character? Is he a vampire or what?
Can someone that read the books explain to me whats the deal with Thomas Eichorst character? Is he a vampire or what?

Yes, he is. The eyes were supposed to give that away. He's Setrakian's nemesis definitely. They have to fudge his age cause, frankly, the actor isn't old enough to have been in a concentration camp during 1946. The character is supposed to be in his 80's given the books are dated. That said, Eichorst referred to Setrakian by his concentration camp tattoo, so its no secret that this ties into WWII a little (mostly in theme)
I asked because he is not looking like the rest of vampires.

The books are kinda vague on it, but there seems to be levels of vampires. I get the impression from the book that it kinda works like this:

Master - master turned vampire - next in line turned - next in line turned, etc. So, a person turned by the Master is a more sophisticated vampire. Those that are 4th generation are drone types. From what I recall, the Nazi dude is Master turned, and not your typical mindless worker type vamp
I think it kind of depends on the needs of the master. Eichorst is the masters second in command essentially, he's the middle man so the master needs him looking more human than say the drones. The master turned him as well as the people on the plane but the plane victims are just drones.

Book spoiler so don't read unless you want something spoiled although it's pretty obvious in the show.

Even Gabriel Bolivar was turned by the master and he went full vamp with losing his features but he was still one of the masters lieutenants and had some free thought
I wish they could have been a tad more graphic with the

P E N I S falling off and getting flushed part
but I'll take what they gave us.

Lots of little changes to the books and I'd argue they are good changes. Jim Kent is a lot more fleshed out now than he ever was in the books, and that's a good thing. Show is really starting to get good. Fet is still my fav character! Vamps and their 6' long tongue look pretty cool in action. Wish the medical part of the show would go a little deeper than it currently is, but I digress
Lol.....I was just about to post the same thing ween. I wonder what it looked like when the doctor looked at it. This show is ****ing awesome. The commercials are still annoying, I want to see moooooore