Freaked Out
geewhiz clothing came through with dollface crop top, jacket, and black jeans
geewhiz clothing came through with dollface crop top, jacket, and black jeans
geewhiz also made the suit for man in the mask
they got the colour exactly how i wanted it
normally this material is used for jedi cloaks and stuff so its pretty thick so im going to have to work on it the get some flex and hang right
geewhiz clothing was just too expensive to keep using and they wanted me to literally separate the black dots from the orange and make two different files
so i had to find an alternative
thats when i met Pam from pamSD custom clothing she normally works on dolls and make elaborate dresses and fancy clothing for collectible dolls
but fancied the challenge of doing something different and she nailed it
i wish id met her sooner as i would have got her to make the dollface clothing and the man in the mask suit
her work is second to none
and despite some setbacks and her being sick she came through for me big time
i used a scarlet witch hot toys body for this and she made it to fit
thanks guys
so i looked everywhere for a tie similar to the one worn in the movie and couldnt find any material that would do it justice
so decided to try and create the actual pattern
i took a piece of the tie from a photo from the movie and stitched the small segment together over and over in photoshop until i had essentially a "to scale" sheet of the pattern
then printed it on a photocopier using special inkjet material sheets
then shaped it into the tie and added a piece of elastic which would hide under the shirt collar
it turned out pretty good
got the knife and shotgun off ebay for around 20 bucks which was a steal because people are selling the terminator shotgun which is similar for 50 bucks
the axe was from zhukovs attic and cost 2 bucks
i will eventually replace them im sure especially the axe and knife but for now they do the job
now that "man in the mask" has the axe in his hands it really is beginning to look legit
which is a point i never thought id reach with these guys lol
i still need to weather the suit and mask and i also need to do some work on the boots but its coming together nicely
i might have to rewatch the movie soon but cant remember if his hands were dirty? and the axe needs some weathering
finally put dollface together and it looks great
except the hair needs styling and setting
its way too "big" right now
once the hair is sorted im going to weather the coat but overall things are looking good
Amazing work!now that "man in the mask" has the axe in his hands it really is beginning to look legit
which is a point i never thought id reach with these guys lol
i still need to weather the suit and mask and i also need to do some work on the boots but its coming together nicely
i might have to rewatch the movie soon but cant remember if his hands were dirty? and the axe needs some weathering