Hello guys,
Little update on the project wich is not dead lol.
I received the magnificent 1/4 weapons by doggiedoc.
They are awesome. (again phone pics so proportions look weird).
I encountered several problems with the Enterbay Rambo pants.
Basically the were too tight and kept on tearing, zip breaking.
I tried different solutions but recently I met a seamstress who specializes in bjd dolls and she agreed to help me.
So I'm getting new pants adapted to the muscular Enterbay body.
Even better she offered to do a screen accurate leather jacket (im using a T2 modified one).
I should get the set in 4/5 weeks.
She might do a little run for those interested.
About the boots.
I found some really cool leather boots close enough with some rework but alas they were huge 1/3 scale

I was lucky to find a gifted sculptor that will do a recast of the resin boots I have but in rubber (soft rubber for the top, hard rubber for the sole). He agreed to do a little run too if there's interest.
Last huge part, the gargoyles glasses.
It was a huge question mark for me.
Until I discovered recently that Sean Dabbs did a 3d model of those.
I contacted him to know more about it.
If the quality is good enough for a 3d print.
Finger crossed.