The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Watch Mister Ski come out of nowhere to win the pool with Sasha, Carol & Judith going out in a blaze of glory in the season finale! :gah: :lol

That Tobin ******* lands a lucky shot, hitting Sasha in the neck from 300 yards. As she's falling, she squeezes off one final round from her AR-15, hitting Carol in the throat.

Carol pitches forward and fires off a round from one of the cheapo handguns she stole from the armory. The bullet hits Judith, who's tucked underneath Rick's arm like a football, right in the head.

A cloud of red smoke rises and settles all over Rick's face. He collapses to the ground, right on his back, bawling just as he did when Lori died.

Imagine how Latino feel... Lol
They are almost non existent

I am praying Rosita doesn't get killed off

I'm guessing there'll be more than a few Latinos in the spinoff. According to screenrant:

SEAN CABRERA | A Latino male in his early 40s, Sean is a good man trying to do right by everyone in his life.

CODY CABRERA | Sean’s whip-smart and rebellious teenage son. Known as the angriest kid in town.

NANCY TOMPKINS | A thirtysomething single mom to two kids, Nancy looks like the girl next door, but there’s an edge to her.

NICK TOMPKINS | Nancy’s screwed up teenage son. He’s too old to stay home, too scared to flee.

ASHLEY TOMPKINS | Nancy’s mostly level-headed teenage daughter. Her ambition is in direct proportion to her older brother’s failures. She loves her mom but it’s time to get out of Dodge.

ANDREA CHAPMAN | A somewhat wilted flower child, fortysomething Andrea — yep, another Andrea! — has retreated to the outskirts of the city to recover after a horrible marriage.


Only ridiculous thing was why did the zombies take the time to pull Noah thru the door and throw him unharmed into the glass door? Wouldn't they have just eaten him the second they pulled him free from his grip in the revolving door? :slap

Zombies have an appreciation for spectacle. They were also trying to send Glenn a message. :lol
TOBIN!!!! TOBIN!!!!! :stake

(if Rick does in a craze shooting people and accidentally kills Tara, do you win too, or is it by order? :lol)
Running away from totally salvageable situations FTW :yess:

Carol's got more balls then everyone in Alexandria put together. You can tell by the haircut.

And seriously, what kind of architectural genius puts the support beams ON THE OTHER SIDE of the wall? Will we get an explanation before the end of the season? :gah:
Carol's got more balls then everyone in Alexandria put together. You can tell by the haircut.

And seriously, what kind of architectural genius puts the support beams ON THE OTHER SIDE of the wall? Will we get an explanation before the end of the season? :gah:

terrorist aside, in term of aesthetic, it would be more pleasing to the eye to have the support beams on the outside, so they don't have to see it and would take less internal space. structurally its the same outside or inside. they don't have elevated soil to worry about that would compromise the support beam. although the negative side is that maintenance is a problem since they have to do it outside.
I hate to keep going to this, but it made for a cool death on screen.

It really is just that simple.

Another explanation, if it's really needed, is that Noah's survival instinct kicked in and his scared lizard brain told him to try and run away. And that lunge was of his own doing, not zombies shoving him against the glass.
No, those rumblings have been going on long before now. But the place to launch that particular crusade is not by groaning about it a dozen times on thread for fans of the show. If you want to right those perceived wrongs, it's through whichever avenues will reach the production company.
Specially when other races are not even shown or acknowledged but no one gives a flying f.
(Hollywood is the same way.... No one gives a s about other actors of different races getting better roles)

The truth Is, Robert kirkman is racist :lol
The truth Is, Robert kirkman is racist :lol

Just kidding :wink1:

But there is a problem in hollywood and diversity, seems like it is only one kind of racism that gets people talking, even Chris rock himself brought it up, with how they don't like to hire Hispanics for behind the scenes jobs, (he got a lot of hate for sticking up for "the Mexicans" or saying those people "need to go ba k to Mexico" ) or so I read
Just kidding :wink1:

But there is a problem in hollywood and diversity, seems like it is only one kind of racism that gets people talking, even Chris rock himself brought it up, with how they don't like to hire Hispanics for behind the scenes jobs, (he got a lot of hate for sticking up for "the Mexicans" or saying those people "need to go ba k to Mexico" ) or so I read

What are you talking about? Hollywood always treats Latinos with the utmost respect, have you seen how many movies Danny Trejo has been in? Plus they've always got Johnny Depp when they need a Native American actor!

Hollywood has been representing Latinos fairly for a long time lest we forget that great Mexican actor Charleton Heston!

ok, ok, Glen can go then. Maggie probably recovered from Beth by now, she can lose another. or, or, the Rick family can lose the lil ass kicker since Carl is unlikely. like seriously, how can a baby kick ass anyway?