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Super Freak
Jul 3, 2015
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I discovered WOT during college, and read through the entire series as they were released. Great story fror the first 6 books, the of course Jordan got greedy and expanded the story for more money, then got sick and died before finishing, leaving Sanderson to pick up the pieces….

Overall though, its a great story.

The trailer looks amazing to me, and I am sure knowing the books so well, it helps… those that do not know the books, I am sure it looks like a LOTR or GOT clone…..but honestly , it shares very little with those fantasy worlds.

I hope it does not get lumped into that category, because the world is actually better than GOT by far and give LOTR a run for its money ….
The casting looks spot on, as far as visuals go also….

Any other WOT fans looking forward to this? Or not?
I read the first 7 or 8 books but dropped the series when I realised the author no longer appeared to care or be following whatever outline he had originally set up and the narrative was drifting endlessly. There is a really good story in there that could be condensed into a very satisfying series. Did Sanderson do a good job of bringing it all together at the end?
Can one of you condense the premise into an understandable summary? I have no idea what the story is about. I started reading the wiki but quickly lost interest as I do whenever something starts with "in the beginning, there was chaos..."

I like it better when there is Order, and Chaos comes to town.
I read the first 7 or 8 books but dropped the series when I realised the author no longer appeared to care or be following whatever outline he had originally set up and the narrative was drifting endlessly. There is a really good story in there that could be condensed into a very satisfying series. Did Sanderson do a good job of bringing it all together at the end?
Yes , Sanderson did a great job, overall. I would read the last book if you got that far anyway….with a wikapedia review, should be satisfying end. The change in narration style was a bit jarring….not having pages and pages of descriptions of buttons and coats was great, but made it seem like a quick ending to the series…..
Can one of you condense the premise into an understandable summary? I have no idea what the story is about. I started reading the wiki but quickly lost interest as I do whenever something starts with "in the beginning, there was chaos..."

I like it better when there is Order, and Chaos comes to town.
I’ll try….but it will be a pale comparision.

1000’s of years ago, a male person was born that broke the world with a power that is normally reserved for women. He did this to save humanity from the Dark One and his minions.

The Aes Sedai, a group of Women who currently control the “power” to do magic, are seeking the reincarnation of this original man whom could contol “The One Power”. This “Dragon Reborn” must be found and helped, because if not, his unchecked ability to touch the “source” (normally a thing only women can do) could drive him insane before he can battle the dark one.

But there are forced whom want to bring about the end, for their own advantage….and they are everywhere.

Aes Sedai , are also torn in their own ranks as to how to help the “Dragon Reborn” Teach or terrorize?
The factions inside this group, denoted by the colors they wear, are inflighting about any make that can touch the source….and how yo deal with them when they find them.

One Aes Sedia, Morraine, had traveled to the town of Two Rivers, where one of 3 people, she believes , may be the true Dragon Reborn.
Thank you.

So... it's a "The One" story. Hopefully the world is rich and interesting.
Yes and no.

The basics it is, but without all the supporting characters that must exist its not…

If Neo needed 18 people to get him to where he was going and an entire populace as well….

But its the world building thats really incredible. The details of how the power is used and controlled, the history they know of, and what was lost from the last “breaking” , the factions around the world and their beliefs of what the Dragon is….

its just super complex and intricate.

But over all …..yea its sort of a The One story……
Nothing wrong with that, I like The One stories -- Star Wars, Matrix, Dune, LOTR (sort of), Harry Potter (I lie, I don't like HP), Snow White and the Huntsman, Joker 2019, etc.
Anyone watching the series? Three episodes in so far and very entertaining, feels very respectful to the source material and Amazon have thrown quite a bit of money at it too.
Tried reading the series a few years ago since I am a massive fan of Sanderson and have read everything else he has written. Honestly I couldn't get into it. There were too many characters, some of which had very similar sounding names that I kept confusing for one another. I was hoping that in a visual medium it would make it easier for me to keep track of the different characters and factions.

Honestly im not blown away by the first 3 episodes so far, but im open to having my mind changed. Its just hard to build momentum in an "epic" series like this when it doesn't start strong out of the gate.

I just wonder how they are going to do this series justice when there is so much to it, some of which is very meandering and some that is a tad silly and wouldn't be a good fit for modern day sensibilities.
Enjoyed the first episode quite a bit. All the actors seem well cast so far. Best being Moraine, Lan and Rand, worst Egwene…although her acting chops are there, shes just a departure from how I personally imagined her.

They truncated alot of course, so might be confusing to the new viewers, but with a world as dense and layerd as this one,
you cannot dump everything at once. I am sure they will flesh out the situation more in the coming episodes with talk between the chatacters.

Trollocs look great and the Fade is promising.

The really should start the show with short clips of Lewis Therein and his memories of the first breaking of the world…..but my guess is that will come later.
Having not read it, what is silly to you?
Well the one example that sticks out to me is:
Alot of the plot line of the 2nd book is driven by someone being teleported to a magical realm because they happened to fall asleep using a magic rock as a pillow while out camping, and then used magic in his sleep to activate it.

I see more mystical, fantasy heavy parts of the books clashing with the "realistic" sensibilities they seem to be going for in this series.
Series os really taking off morea nd more each episode. Most people complaining are upset that its not exactly like the books… basically the equivilant of Star Trek nerds….

The broad strokes are there and the story is progessing in a way that they can do it on TV and make a season a reasonable length.

The scenery and sets are off the charts great, the charcaters are coming togther, the younger cast could do with somw acting coaches…..

Overall enjoying it alot so far. For those whomthink this is a LOTR or GOT clone, the further you go into the series the more you will realize how very different the world is
The production design is very good but the budget shows, here and there. Not a dealbreaker, I love The Expanse and the first couple of seasons had the same issue.

The show has managed to surprise me a couple of times (I haven't read the books) -- and that's a tall order, so I'm all in for the moment.

The only real weak point for me is some of the acting, but it's not too bad.

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