The Mummy (1999)

It's one of the best adventure movies.
Right after "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade".
The Mummy (1999)
Transformers 2 Revenge of the fallen.
Never has so much money been spent on producing an incoherent, unfunny, badly acted, badly directed, headache inducing, over long, loud and obnoxious movie like the turd that is Transformers 2
I think the nervous breakdown had set in by the time that appeared on the screen.
The last three Harry Potter films and the last LOTR flick.
Those damn Scream knockoff movies. I can't remember what they are called - but they knock off current horror movies. My brother dragged me to see one and it is the only time I have ever wanted to walk out of a theater. So damn bad.
I Know What You Did Last Summer/I Still Know What You Did Last Summer ?
the last LOTR flick.
Vanilla Sky
Such an interesting build-up for a total BS ending.