I thought that was preplanned. I hate to think they would just cut him off like that, he didn't seem upset by it. If he didn't know that was coming I would have expected a different reaction from him
I really liked Jake's acceptance speech and wish Razor's would have been a bit more. It was cool the Clique came out though.
Loved that Taker came out for Paul Barer too, didn't expect that. I thought WWE handled that pretty good.
Warrior rambled a bit too much, and went too long, but after 18 years away he probably had a lot to get off his chest. It was better than I expected though, I thought he was gonna get up there and run WWE down, but I was pleasantly surprised he didn't.
The rest was meh, but still enjoyed seeing the whole thing uncut.
Carlito's comments were funny *** hell, nice bit of shooting on WWE there

, unnecessary but funny nonetheless.