Obviously Taker is pretty much the only one who calls the shot in regards To his booking, not HHH not even Vince. My issue with Lesner is not that he's a part timer. Regardless if the two like eachother, Lesner has no respect for the business. He's been handed everything he ever had on a silver platter. He's lazy, overplayed and overbooked he's always been this way. He's always had one foot out the door his entire career looking for something better and only came crawling back when he became incapable of being a legit fighter in the UFc, former champ or not.
You can sure as hell bet this means nothing that he will still show up twice a year even if they give him rhe belt and heyman will be the only one you see.
While I agree in principal that an up and comer should have broken the Streak no one would have been worthy and it would have put a lot of heat on that person. Cena is the furthest thing from an up and comer, he's been the guy for a decade now. The fans would have turned on Bryan had it been him, hhh breaking it would have given him heat not ultimately made the fans despise him more since he pretty much runs the show and has had a history of overbooking himself.
Michaels was in recent history, the only deserving one. If it went to Kane as Taker wanted it to for years it would have been pointless unless he was retiring, Kane has been underrated his entire career and could have used a good going out moment. Right now Kane is the only worthy person I can think of.
Ultimately I just conclude that actually no one should have been the one to end the streak, it didn't need to be broken he could have beat sting next year and the year after that faced Bryan or Cena or orton, someone who defines this generation, and beat them but retired after.