knightslade2007's is one of thew biggest dorks.
He complaints, about people complaining!
"Hey, what's up guys...Avatar is the biggest movie ever, I don't care what anyone say. All the haters, well it doesnt is"
"Iron Man 2 is the best movie ever, in the summer. Look at the War Machine maquette, people alreayd complaining about the pose. Already people complaining about the pose, I love the pose [dont complain, your not allowed too in things I like, or I'll biotch about you complaining]."
"Hey whats up guys..."
The guy sounds like a colombian Ricky Ricardo "reviewing," "previewing," toys...
Oh, High end collectibles as he says...
Whats up guys...
Whats up guys...
I got preview for you...
P!TU is the best. We only need one bad english speaking person doing reviews and youtube vids - and that is KING P!TU!