Na na nent nent nent nent Naaaaa.....
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him?
A Balrog of Morgoth
What did you say?
A Balrog of Morgoth.
What did you say?
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
Stupid fat hobbit.
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
Stupid fat hobbit.
They're talking the hobbits to Isengard....
Leave now and never come back.
I have no idea why I know those lines, I must have listened to the song a million times. Now, when I watch TTT after Smeagol/Gollum Argument and Smeagol looks around I think of that song.