Super Freak
I love being in a country where we're allowed to use political satire without getting tortured and executed for treason (there, now it's relevant).
I love being in a country where we're allowed to use political satire without getting tortured and executed for treason (there, now it's relevant).
I love being a member of a forum where you can tease a mod for being aggressive, and in the process drag her into a total derailment of the thread.
I love being in a country where we're allowed to use political satire without getting tortured and executed for treason (there, now it's relevant).
The only person threatening elderly and soldiers is the clown in the White House.
I disagree, but I'll let it go for sake of the thread.
I disagree, but I'll let it go for sake of the thread.
I agree with you, Ween.
Only if I really wanted to get in trouble.
It took a wise mother____er to come up with the Fifth Amendment.
I don't mean to be ungrateful, but I'd really prefer a licker, thanks.
Considering who I'm asking, that's probably what I'd get.