Franky, the only bigots I'm seeing during this whole process are on social media. "Uneducated Whites" voted for Trump. I'm so tired of this narrative of demonizing Whites. Were not this collective minority hating machine. Are there racist Whites? Absolutely. But the day to day White individual just wants to provide for themselves and their family like anyone else. But this culture has made it a point that being White is wrong and needs to be shunned and were supposed to just suck it up because of what we are.
She's done. And now we have all these protesters "Not My President" going on, and they're going to be outside my office later. The participation trophy generation needs a dose of reality. There was none of this when Obama got in, just a mass celebration. What really bugged me through his terms was if you criticized him, you were lumped in as a racist... c'mon now.
You know, I didn't want Bush after his first term and I didn't want Obama in the past two terms but I didn't want McCain and Romney either since they were droning uncharismatic pricks. I didn't pout about it like a pubescent child. DC needs a full reboot since they're too complacent on the downfall of the country.
I can't foresee what Trump will do, but if he turns out of be another ******* lemon I'll be the first to admit it.