Die antwoord is one of my favorite groups, i love nearly everything they do and have been to 3 of their concerts here in boston. Thanks for sharing.
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Die antwoord is truly the trashiest "music group" of all time. they wrecked chappie so bad![]()
Psychiatry is a pseudo science that pathologizes value. Value doesn't exist. The DSM5 is as scientific as Scientology. Even more hilarious, is the justification one receives from psychologists and psychiatrists when you ask them how they arrive at their conclusions regarding "ill behavior". Their answer? Cultural relativism: an error theory that most undergrad philosophy students ridicule after their first survey course. Imagine having an illness that you can cure, by getting into an airplane and leaving your culture for someone else's.
A friend of mine has an uncle who died, because he received electro-shock therapy in the 70's. Guess why? Because he was gay. They diagnosed him with a mental illness, because the nuclear family was considered a prerequisite for functionality, and therefore deemed to have intrinsic value. Behavioral science is irrational, and while psychiatry and psychology caved on that particular diagnosis, they still haven't changed their methodology: A bunch of people meet in a large conference room, and vote on patterns of behavior they don't like.
I do have a mental illness: Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I don't obey authority. Apparently, if you refuse to obey authority, you have a mental illness. Sound rational to you?
It's funny, I could have gone the SJW route, and called you a bigot toward mentally ill people. Why can't disabled people be awesome, or entertaining? In Canada, that constitutes hate speech (which is illegal, here) because mentally ill people are protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Someone can actually take you to the Human Rights tribunal, and sue you for hurting feelings. True story. However, I'd be trolling you. Psychiatry is nonsense, as is the Human Rights tribunal.
You're crazy
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You're irrational. Do you have a premise?
Huh? No, epistemologically speaking, any claim to knowledge requires falsifiable evidence. I'm an empiricist. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience because there is no falsifiable evidence to suggest that value exists. At best, it's a (contentious) matter for apriori philosophy. Science has nothing to say about value. I'd go so far as to say value doesn't exist, but either way...
When did the sandbox turn into pot talk? Go smoke your doobage somewhere else
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Welcome back wwejedi
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Huh? I assume that was another poster who hurt your feelings? Poor you.
Rapes members of his audience. Yup, very definition of awesome. Hope he got electro-shock therapy in prison.