I'd really like a poster of that.
U.S. birth rate has hit a 30-year low.![]()
Doesn't seem like it around here. Babies are getting **** out all over the place--lots of under 21 girls getting their first one out of the way so they can get ready for their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
Dude I went to high school with had like five kids by his earlier twenties.
I ****ing love Alt-Hero
And Jordan Peterson being exposed as the globalist shill he is
Exposed how???
Exposed how???
Jordan B. Peterson worked on the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, editing a document that was released in 2013 entitled 'A NEW GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP: ERADICATE POVERTY AND TRANSFORM ECONOMIES THROUGH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT'. One of the panel members of this UN High Council was none other than skippy himself, John Podesta.
I worked on the UN Secretary-General's High Panel for Sustainability Report that was delivered, I believe, in 2013, and rewrote the underlying narrative to strip out most of the ideological claptrap.
Ohhh that's eye opening. He definitely has been to Comet Ping Pong then.
Anyone involved with Podesta makes my skin crawl. Colbert being one of them.
I'm glad people are starting to question Peterson. A lot of my male (and female, surprisingly enough) friends bought what he was peddling lock, stock and barrel. I started to get the feeling something was wrong when he basically became a cult of personality to them and questioning the man or his ideas resulted in outbursts of anger and threats of physical violence.
After that I sat down and worked my way through his lectures, and concluded he's the very model of the disingenuous ideologue he claims to rail against. At one turn he'll discuss hard science, measurable statistics, etc then instantly turn things back to Freud and Jung - the former's work has been utterly discredited as worthless and disregarded by clinical psychology for decades at this point, and Jung's work is entirely subjective and more at home in the field of philosophy than any scientific endeavour. In short, I can't stand Peterson. He's a duplicitous hypocrite, an extremely effective snake-oil merchant.
It's such an easy time for people to sprout of out of the ether to become a somebody in the political and social spectrum.
As long as the media approves of you. The only reason Ben Shapiro and Peterson get attention is because the media wants them to be the "official opposition" à la William F. Buckley, they aren't even right wing.
They talk about this "intellectual dark web"they don't even mention Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern or even Tara or Mike, the people who actually cause trouble aren't even mentioned. They want to pretend these guys don't exist because they don't have a legitimate way to counter them, they'd rather say "those people go too far" and ignore them