yeah, that bullseye looks so gorgeous. the only way i could get my hands on him is buying online though, and the going rate now is over $100.
n what do you guys think about this rex:
it cant talk, but the toy in the film cant really talk either. i'm more inclined to get the accurate toy version that does as it does in the film, as a toy, rather than the motorized/talking version. but how accurate is this rex, look wise?
I wouldn't recommend any of the chatter phones out there right now (unless you want the TS3 version for the voices). None of them are really even close to the original version (which is as close to screen-accurate as you will ever get).
I too just got back. I brought the receipt from yesterday when I bought Bullseye so I could return and rebuy him, along with Jessie, half off.
Also bought Woody a new stand from AC Moore. And I'm in the process of attempting to fix the string problem I mentioned.
I too just got back. I brought the receipt from yesterday when I bought Bullseye so I could return and rebuy him, along with Jessie, half off.
Also bought Woody a new stand from AC Moore. And I'm in the process of attempting to fix the string problem I mentioned.
That version is not 18' at all. more like 9' based on what I remember. (at least if we're talking about how tall it is) 18 would be far larger than it should be anyway.
The TSC rex, whatever its measurments are, is the accurate scale.
Edit: okay here we go.
10 inches. I was off by only an inch. 13' is the correct scale and is what the TSC version is.
Is there a TS version? The one I saw was apart of some vintage toy line at target.