you did notice i said 7+, right? you know any 7 years old who would willingly n knowingly eat plastic toys? stupidity knows no age. i was 7 once, and i sure knew the difference between food and plastic.
ok, my words was harsh. no question about it. but i always hold the view that this planet is overpopulated by stupid people anyway and we dont need more. so, if by 7 years old you cannot tell the difference between food and toy, then yes, i think that little person deserve to choke. at least, he/she could learn something from it and not be that stupid the next time. i didnt say anything about them deserving to die.
many different kinds of stupidity offer their own rewards. if i put toy down my mouth and i choke, is the toy to blame? is the manufacturer? or is it my brain? 7 years old is old enough to know the difference between simple logic and stupidity. you should give them more credit.
good. i agree. why are we arguing then?Of course all 7 year olds (without mental disorders) know the difference between food and toy.
sure sure, bad people need their comeuppance. let's all rejoice in their misery. hooray!!You know who I think deserves to die?
Child molesters, rapists, murderers, terrorists and people who say that 7 year old children deserve to choke for their stupidity.
for such a stickler to proper english in an internet forum, you should know then that "grammer" is spelled grammar.Also, your deafitist attitute is pretty annoying, claiming that everyone is stupid, when in fact you don't even use proper grammer and punctuation.
I gotta agree that Tyler's eyes didn't turn out that great. Not in his pics at least. They just look off to me. Even after all the discussion it seems like he still didn't make the pupils 100% correct. I had intended to order a pair, but they don't look good enough for me to bother with a money order, which I wasn't completely comfortable with anyway. I think Wampar did a much better job.
no no no, it's supposed to be taken literally. can't you get that from my post? i obviously belong in the same category as "child molesters, rapists, murderers, terrorists," like TysonK pointed out. yeah.. i'm that sadistic.Wow, enough, guys! cr' obviously wasn't being serious. Just making a one-off comment anyone of us would say in casual conversation. It's not to be taken literal and no, none of us wish death upon kids.
Guys, not to step into a situation that doesn't involve me, but can we not argue about this stuff? While I agree that the comments being made are ridiculous, can we just agree to let people have their own opinions? I don't agree with either person, but I feel that this should take place elsewhere, as this is supposed to be a thread about the Toy Story Collection toys, and I would hate for the mods to get on here and try to shut the thread down due to incessant hostility towards one another.
Heck, those eyes aren't that small. Star Wars figures are like 4+ and they come with tiny weapons. Lots of them!
good. i agree. why are we arguing then?
sure sure, bad people need their comeuppance. let's all rejoice in their misery. hooray!!
and 7 years olds who eat their toy still deserve to choke on it.
for such a stickler to proper english in an internet forum, you should know then that "grammer" is spelled grammar.
and no, i dont claim "everyone" is stupid, just that we have many stupid people in this planet... and that include 7 years olds who eat their toys.
And what custom above? I see nothing.
Forgive me if it's been adressed in the previous 120 pages or so, but is Zurg going to be part of the Toy Story Collection? I picked up Rex because I'm obsessed with dinosaurs, but if a Zurg comes out I'll be all over that, and that will undoubtably mean that I need a Buzz, and one thing will lead to another and I'll get the whole frickin line.