Super Freak
That's Totoro, silly! You can find tons of merchandise of him all over eBay or Japanese anime stores.Where did u get the big bear thing next to priklepants? Disney Store?
That's Totoro, silly! You can find tons of merchandise of him all over eBay or Japanese anime stores.Where did u get the big bear thing next to priklepants? Disney Store?
That's Totoro, silly! You can find tons of merchandise of him all over eBay or Japanese anime stores.
thanks, i appreciate the support. but to be honest i dont think he's here to stir things up though. he just thought everyone's going to award him a medal if he's proclaiming himself as righteous, in an internet forum.Honestly Cr', I'd ignore him of he comes back, the guy was obviously here to stir up ____ and blew an off hand comment into something that it wasn't. He also, apparently, can't present an argument without insulting the other person.
no need to go into your facebook, we all here can see who you are and what you're all about... you are the children's champion! that's what you are! everytime someone talks nasty of the children in an internet forum, you'll be there to defend their honor by getting into a verbal smackdown with strangers from behind your computer. you are the defender of the innocents, always ready to save the day!Actually I'm just a dad who loves his kids. I don't like hearing things like "kids deserve to choke".
I think of children as innocent, not deserving misery even if they do something stupid.
Anyone who wants to find me on facebook, send me a private message and you can see who I am and what I'm all about.
i'm thinking the label 'overreactionary gimp' suits you, but i think i'm going with just 'gimp'. just because it's shorter and easier.I call things how I see them, someone says a child deserves to choke and they are serious, hell yes, I slap a label on them right away. PIECE OF *&^%.
Picked up the Thinkway Twitch today. For such a simple toy, he's pretty cool.
<a href="" title="IMG_0125 by ltm438, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="IMG_0125" /></a>
<a href="" title="IMG_0127 by ltm438, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0127" /></a>
Here he is with the rest of my collection.
<a href="" title="IMG_0133 by ltm438, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0133" /></a>
I'm not hiding being anything. I would love to see who you really are and what you look like. I bet your a scrawny little punk. Wear my monitor as a helmet? That's laugh out loud stupid. I'm offering you to see me. Why are you not letting me see you? All you can do is talk and act tough.
I didn't get a reply tough guy....
Ya 250 big ones will get you some quality ____. What a loser, scumbag you are.
yawn? lets see who you are tough guy
All you can do is talk, but you can't back any of your words up.
I know who the fu%$ I am. Sounds like you don't
It's simple, you talk ____, you can't back it up, I talk, I can, it has nothing to do with stalking, sissy boy
You don't want to see who I am on facebook because you're a little sissy boy toy collector and can't show yourself
My (displayed) collection so far. I have a lot more than this, but no room to display most of it. I'll try to get some photos of that stuff in a large group tomorrow. I also have a few things that aren't displayed yet, and the first photo was taken before I added my new Hockey Puck replica to the collection.
You may notice that there are a few "extra" figures on display. Wheezy is the Disney Store plush, and is a placeholder for the custom I have on order. The smaller Hamm next to the Etch-A-Sketch and the Alien by the See 'n Say are from the Kellogg's TS3 promotion. The tiny Alien by Etch is just one of the Mattel figures, but I thought the Pizza Planet "prize" base was cool. And of course, Jingle Joe is the TRU exclusive.
turns out our hero, the aforementioned defender of children, moonlights as a stalker as well. some excerpts from my pm n visitor message inbox:
i dont want to see you on facebook because, one... i dont have a facebook account, just never care for it. and two... because i dont care about you enough to want to see you there. dont feel so heartbroken, okay?
and if you're really such a loving dad like you said you are... maybe you should spend more time playing with your children instead of here playing with me? hmm? just a suggestion.
you cant make sex comments if you're married?
i posted your nonsenses here in this thread because i want people to see your true color. and i dont know why you'd be upset about it since you said you're all about showing people "who you are and what you're all about". but yeah, let's leave before we pollute this thread further. for those who care, you can read the rest here:
Ya, my big bad "true colors" which are:
I don't like people saying "kids who put toys in their mouths deserve to choke and if they do choke, I will tell the father of the child that their kid deserved it after the child has died".
Yep, those are my true colors. What a scumbag I am, calling someone out for saying something sick. Not only that, but this is a "Toy Story Toys" thread.
What is wrong with you Cr'????
So this one time when I was a kid, my brother put my Cabbage Patch Doll on our wood stove and burned it's head. I was very unhappy and screamed "I hope you choke on a spoon and die! You deserve it!". The next day we played with our G.I. Joes together and never mentioned it again.
Cr' is a married adult man.
Not only that but what he said was not done out of anger towards anyone, it was his opinion of what a seven year old deserves if he/she puts a toy in his/her mouth.