I absolutely hate this line but I will admit that is a great piece done of THOR. I still won't buy it but if does make me smile when the eventual Thor PF is done.
SSC doesn't have rights to do the Ultimates. Shaithis77 said that Marvel considers the different universes different licenses. Marvel Zombies falls under that category I would assume that the Ultimates would as well.
Does anyone on this board collect these Legendary Scale busts religiously? I tried some but they really weren't my thing. Does anyone have all the MArvel ones so far? I would like to see a picture.
Hmm . . the side view look better than the front. Still, since I already have him in better bust form, I'll wait for the PF (as we all know will get released eventually).
He looks fantastic but, I'm a LSB hater myself thought since it is always taking space away from the PFs. All I see is more and more LSBs and less and less PFs. I can't start another collection either.