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I was really hoping they were going to have a spinning hammer switch out like Bowen's Action Thor. Pissed about missing that piece now.
Thing is, I am not a troublemaking poster. I don't really care. I could easily make another account or, if they decide to IP ban, use a proxy and just keep posting away. There is absolutely nothing they can do to keep me away forever but it's just 7 days and I don't have the energy to be rebellious. I've been in and out of the hospital with my 18 month old daughter for the last 10 days and I am struggling to stay awake at work. Thank god for coffee.

And yes SSAlex is class 100%. Igo can be great but got carried away yesterday in what I consider a very unprofessional manner.

SSAlex is great. She is on that Ask Sideshow thread every week answering questions...even if most of the time she has no clear answer.

I got into it with Igo a couple weeks ago (although I didn't get banned). He does bring some good inside info, so I get why the mods want to keep him happy, but the dude has a serious superiority complex...basically, if you call him out or disagree, well the subject must be "over your head". Basically, I'm not going to bother trying to interact with the dude again, because I don't appreciate the insults he hurled my way.
probably been discussed before, overall nice execution, but the only thing that really bothers me is the wrist bend on the right hand.
Looks like more of a "catching" angle than throwing. A throwing motion would have it bent back to get the most torque. Just looks odd to me... :monkey1..

^this thread for a while there.
SeeLol I get it ppl don't like too much criticism. He gets annoyed too but you can still be professional. Like someone asked if he has ever not fully stood behind a statue to which he wrote some nonsense about not always bringing your A game as a player but you evolve from it and yada yada yada. Like if he answered the question yes or no it would've been fine and then pick a piece and something random, lie to us and say "oh I didn't like this arm but then I saw it from a different view blah blah" something. So the forum member said "what does that even mean" and then he said it was over there head and in brackets in small print after his statement he wrote something about not caring enough to have the patience to make someone understand what something meant or teaching them how to read or some crap. Was that necessary. All he had to say was, I'm sorry that was not more clear but sometimes yes there are pieces that you may not always 100% love but that's what's great about this business is that you get better as you grow, you learn from the good and the bad and you become better artists and a company as a whole, but no there is no one piece I didn't stand behind one way or another. Simple. It's just rude. I work in customer service and I've been doing it for well over 7 years. I've had rude customers and nice customers. I understand that to a point you will be defensive about your product or company. However being ignorant to what the customer is saying or asking by dodging a direct question and then attacking the customer for not "understanding" when clearly the person said that "what does that even mean" as a sarcastic comment is rude and unnecessary. For those in business, it is clearly understood that it costs tens of thousands of dollars more to acquire new customers than to keep the old ones. That's all I'm saying. As a MOD I would understand that I need to keep a cap on the crazies and the outright ones but when someone asks a direct question with no outlying of disrespect and you attack them SS artist or not wrong is wrong. Also I don't think ppl like Canale and Mark Newman can be compared to Igo (wonder of its pronounced EGO). Those guys are gentleman and get the respect they give. Alex is class all the way. Even when she's upset she handles it in an almost stately manner

Sent from the Bat Computer
I think this is the money shot right here and the ideal angle to view him from or display him. The hand doesn't look weird, he's looking straight on, and you can even see the inscription on the hammer. I think if this was the only pic SSC ever previewed people would be crapping themselves to secure a preorder. Much cooler than the chubby "looking at the sky" original.



The Classic Thor is a great piece and doesn't look chubby at all, plus it's a costume he wore for 40+ years, not 4 years like this Modern which he doesn't wear anymore.

This looks fantastic!!! I would definitely purchase this in a heartbeat if this is how they would have went with the sculpt! Gomur, maybe Sideshow should hire looks like they need someone like you around...haha

Sent from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

LOL. Thanks man! I don't live too far from their Thousand Oaks office. I can be a voice of the people AND my consultation fees can be paid for with statues. As many as my arms can carry. Those are my terms!
Lol I get it ppl don't like too much criticism. He gets annoyed too but you can still be professional. Like someone asked if he has ever not fully stood behind a statue to which he wrote some nonsense about not always bringing your A game as a player but you evolve from it and yada yada yada. Like if he answered the question yes or no it would've been fine and then pick a piece and something random, lie to us and say "oh I didn't like this arm but then I saw it from a different view blah blah" something. So the forum member said "what does that even mean" and then he said it was over there head and in brackets in small print after his statement he wrote something about not caring enough to have the patience to make someone understand what something meant or teaching them how to read or some crap. Was that necessary. All he had to say was, I'm sorry that was not more clear but sometimes yes there are pieces that you may not always 100% love but that's what's great about this business is that you get better as you grow, you learn from the good and the bad and you become better artists and a company as a whole, but no there is no one piece I didn't stand behind one way or another. Simple. It's just rude. I work in customer service and I've been doing it for well over 7 years. I've had rude customers and nice customers. I understand that to a point you will be defensive about your product or company. However being ignorant to what the customer is saying or asking by dodging a direct question and then attacking the customer for not "understanding" when clearly the person said that "what does that even mean" as a sarcastic comment is rude and unnecessary. For those in business, it is clearly understood that it costs tens of thousands of dollars more to acquire new customers than to keep the old ones. That's all I'm saying. As a MOD I would understand that I need to keep a cap on the crazies and the outright ones but when someone asks a direct question with no outlying of disrespect and you attack them SS artist or not wrong is wrong. Also I don't think ppl like Canale and Mark Newman can be compared to Igo (wonder of its pronounced EGO). Those guys are gentleman and get the respect they give. Ales is class all the way. Even when she's upset she handles it in an almost stately manner

Sent from the Bat Computer

Spot on!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and then he said it was over there head and in brackets in small print after his statement he wrote something about not caring enough to have the patience to make someone understand what something meant or teaching them how to read or some crap.

That must be his go to response. As an engineer, I wish I could say that to my clients whenever they question me.
That must be his go to response. As an engineer, I wish I could say that to my clients whenever they question me.

Lmao for real. I'd get fired if I said something like that to a client. Another thing is when there are multiple clients around the key is to diffuse an issue not escalate it. It just shows that there are probably more than a few ppl that work for SS that feel like that. They know they make great product and that they can make money off of it. We buy it and still complain that's the problem. We're the problem. I'm the problem but its not cause we are addicted, for the most part these are amaaaazing statues. When I found out about SS I was ****ing blown the **** away by the sheer quality of the sculpts. I think that part of it has excelled beyond what I expected and will get even better. When you make a great product you can be proud of it, but not arrogant to a point where you insult your fanbase or customers. If someone was a jerk, you can make them feel like a complete A-hole by just being nice and courteous and respectful. The greats can fall too.

P.s. lots of amazing new companies coming out doing the same thing and as the market gets more competitive prices will drop.

I still love SS but,

Just sayin'

Sent from the Bat Computer
Yeah man on top of everything else you definitely don't need any of that crap

Sent from the Bat Computer
SeeLol I get it ppl don't like too much criticism. He gets annoyed too but you can still be professional. Like someone asked if he has ever not fully stood behind a statue to which he wrote some nonsense about not always bringing your A game as a player but you evolve from it and yada yada yada. Like if he answered the question yes or no it would've been fine and then pick a piece and something random, lie to us and say "oh I didn't like this arm but then I saw it from a different view blah blah" something. So the forum member said "what does that even mean" and then he said it was over there head and in brackets in small print after his statement he wrote something about not caring enough to have the patience to make someone understand what something meant or teaching them how to read or some crap. Was that necessary. All he had to say was, I'm sorry that was not more clear but sometimes yes there are pieces that you may not always 100% love but that's what's great about this business is that you get better as you grow, you learn from the good and the bad and you become better artists and a company as a whole, but no there is no one piece I didn't stand behind one way or another. Simple. It's just rude. I work in customer service and I've been doing it for well over 7 years. I've had rude customers and nice customers. I understand that to a point you will be defensive about your product or company. However being ignorant to what the customer is saying or asking by dodging a direct question and then attacking the customer for not "understanding" when clearly the person said that "what does that even mean" as a sarcastic comment is rude and unnecessary. For those in business, it is clearly understood that it costs tens of thousands of dollars more to acquire new customers than to keep the old ones. That's all I'm saying. As a MOD I would understand that I need to keep a cap on the crazies and the outright ones but when someone asks a direct question with no outlying of disrespect and you attack them SS artist or not wrong is wrong. Also I don't think ppl like Canale and Mark Newman can be compared to Igo (wonder of its pronounced EGO). Those guys are gentleman and get the respect they give. Alex is class all the way. Even when she's upset she handles it in an almost stately manner

Sent from the Bat Computer

Jedi he did answer the question, to the best of his ability. He basically said that there are pieces that he or the team didin't bring their A Game to, and that he couldn't obsess over them, and he just tried to grow. It was a clear and concise answer. I am sorry, but the guy can't be held responsible if people can't read or understand the answer. I am not defending him. He does a great job himself, but I will say that as an artist I got the answer entirely. Sometimes your orphane a piece. You do the best you can do with the time you have, but when the deadline hits you have to move on.
Hope your daughter is ok Snad :1-1:

Yeah man on top of everything else you definitely don't need any of that crap

Sent from the Bat Computer

Yes, first and foremost I hope your daughter and family are okay Snad.

Ya she will be ok, thanks for asking. She had an ear infection with a fever around 103-104. She also got herpetic stomatitis which is a virus that creates ulcers in the mouth and throat and leads to a lot of inflammation of the gums. She hasn't eaten anything in a week as it is too painful to swallow. Fortunately she drinks milk so she gets some hydration and calories. The antibiotics to threat the ear infection lead to her developping a yeast infection (good bacteria keeps flora at bay...). Just a shotgun of **** to deal with and I tend to be a little hypochondriac with my daughter.

Fortunately my day at work is just about done. I've drank so much coffee today to stay at work it is insane. The joys of parenthood and I have a little boy on the way due sometime in August.
Jedi he did answer the question, to the best of his ability. He basically said that there are pieces that he or the team didin't bring their A Game to, and that he couldn't obsess over them, and he just tried to grow. It was a clear and concise answer. I am sorry, but the guy can't be held responsible if people can't read or understand the answer. I am not defending him. He does a great job himself, but I will say that as an artist I got the answer entirely. Sometimes your orphane a piece. You do the best you can do with the time you have, but when the deadline hits you have to move on.

I don't mind his answer at all, some people on these forums think that companies should bend over backwards and cater to whatever they want. Sideshow can't make everybody happy 100% of the time and they figured that out early on. That's why they're successful....they do the best they can at the time and move on. If they scrapped every prototype each time somebody didn't like the smallest detail, nothing would ever release
I don't mind his answer at all, some people on these forums think that companies should bend over backwards and cater to whatever they want. Sideshow can't make everybody happy 100% of the time and they figured that out early on. That's why they're successful....they do the best they can at the time and move on. If they scrapped every prototype each time somebody didn't like the smallest detail, nothing would ever release

His first answer was ok. The second one where he says "it's over your head", basically calling the guy stupid, was not necessary...regardless if it was a stupid comment that he was responding to.
As I said I've never communicated with Igo but I know he held his hands up over issues with the P2 Maquette.
He said he wasn't happy with the finished product and pushed for changes but unfortunately they didn't happen.

He obviously wants to produce the best product he can but in this case admitting the Frog was originally supposed to come with the Ex probably wasn't the best move while there was a lot of complaining over the price. Just my opinion.