Jesus, when you put all the statues lined up like that, and include the upcoming Hulk, every Avenger is climbing up stairs.
SS loves raised leg for some reason, they can't get enough.
Jesus, when you put all the statues lined up like that, and include the upcoming Hulk, every Avenger is climbing up stairs.
Just got banned for posting this pic over at the other forum
Just got banned for posting this pic over at the other forum
Just got banned for posting this pic over at the other forum
to ban someone for posting a silly pic is really dumb. I think people are taking this stuff way too seriously.
I don't think Sideshow's sculptors ever get out of their chairs.I love trying to get into the poses they create.
Seriously, stand up and recreate Thor's pose here with the bent knee up on your chair and arm twists.Most unnatural postures I've ever seen.
Just got banned for posting this pic over at the other forum
Oh the Mods over at SF are now on a rampage daring anyone to post an objection. Take a look at the last couple of pages of that thread, they are going back and forth with the threats...I need to take a few day break from over there.
It's no wonder the discussions barely move on that forum. In the morning I start there because it only takes a few minutes to catch up on the new posts.
I got a chuckle out of the pic. If I sculpted it, I would have found it funny. SMH...
BTW, I ordered the bundle (no NRD made it a no brainer as I was going to get it eventually anyway). So I like the statue, but it could have been much more appealing. Kind of shocked they only gave them 2 days to come up with a new EX. Like we couldn't have waited a couple extra weeks to order?
Guys were taking pot shots at the mods... They put their foot down. If you think the same wouldn't happen here try mouthing off to ink, or Snoops, or any other mod, and see what happens. I for one have a better sense of self preservation though.
Ink and Snoops don't ban on whims. They also happen to have a sense of humor.
I feel like in order to post on that forum I would need to behave like an automaton. Nothing funny. Nothing critical. There was no valid reason for me being banned.