I agree. I think the director went in wanting to tell a really darker story. With his Game of Thrones background he wanted it to be gritty and Marvel basically said "Make sure Darcy and Selvig are unnecessary comedy relief".
I can count on one hand the good villains in Marvel movies. It's been a problem with all 3 studios doing the flicks. Malekith had so much potential. I also wish it wasnt so sci fi. It seemed like they wanted to continue to downplay the god aspect and focus on them being aliens in the Marvel Movie U.
Thor, Loki, Odin and ****** were great, though. So odd that this film suffered from problems of trying to be too many things (comedy, action, sci fi, fantasy, drama) while they allowed Cap2 to be such a great formula film without the need to make it fit into too many genres. I hope they try to go with one great formula for the 3rd film. I would actually prefer no Earth characters but I doubt they'll get rid of Portman.