Super Freak
I'm the same, though like the TWS Cap I thought I'd have months to decide ha! Any tips where to get it from locally?? ��
I'm from London so my usual local suppliers are CollectiblesDirect

I'm the same, though like the TWS Cap I thought I'd have months to decide ha! Any tips where to get it from locally?? ��
I'm from London so my usual local suppliers are CollectiblesDirectIf your from the States or Canada I'm sure a fellow freak will be kind enough to point you in the right direction
I'm from Southampton, not far from you! I'm fairly new to all of this, I've bought pieces from ebay and sideshow. I've looked at collectibles direct ��
Well this is about flipping
My waitlist just cleared for this ��
Ditto. Converted this morning.
...and my WL.....has not converted!![]()
In the history of me ever going on a WL, I think I've only converted twice out of a possible 15!!
That was for the original Judge Dredd Exclusive statue by PCS (which I ended up cancelling) and recently my Prime 1 Megatron converted
otherwise my luck has been pretty rotten
Still, this Thor WL isn't a major loss for me if it doesn't convert as I was originally going to order him locally anyway...
Congrats on the conversions guys![]()
Thanks man
What date did you get on the waitlist?
I think it was the 9th of this month
Mine was placed late PM on 09th. I'm sure you got on around the same time as me. Yours will clear I'm sure.
What are the chances of the ES increasing??
Really?so maybe I'm next then?
Well with Sideshow anything is possible in regards to everchanging ES's so don't be surprised if it increases againThey changed the ES on the Masked Predator LSB EX which I pre ordered also. I think the ES actually been reduced since I pre ordered a few months back
Just got on the waitlist, surprised it's sold out so quickly![]()
ES of 250 will do that.
Fingers crossed mate![]()
Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if the ES increased!! I've still got quite a few on WL that I doubt will convert!