Even considering this, it still feels off to me... too dramatic a change... if he was truly a Jedi, and then started succumbing to bitterness about the Jedi, it seems that an established Jedi Master can then be converted... either way, going from Return of the Jedi to The Last Jedi is quite a shock with nothing in between to explain, other than references to Ben Solo. And Yoda appearing the way he did definitely felt off - and I'm a big fan of Yoda from ESB too, so that's saying a lot. It feels contrived, and when you consider all the men are acting like losers in the Disney trilogy, it just seems like someone has an ax to grind (Han runs off, Luke runs off, Ben converts to Kylo, Poe Dameron is too trigger happy and has to be shot by Leia, Yoda comes back basically saying he was wrong, Finn just jumps every which way - going to run one minute and staying the next... see a pattern here?). If he was Hamill's Luke and had a bad experience, he might at least show some regret or guilt to to back to his better self when confronted with Rey, instead of just being an old crank. Anyway, I don't mean to get off subject, the movie makes a difference in this case to me, so I won't be getting any of the figures because it just would remind me how good these movies SHOULD have been, and how badly they missed the mark since Star Wars was about HOPE, not HOPEPLESS. Even the younger characters just seem angry and tired... which I get it, that mirrors reality today... but again, Star Wars was a fairy tail, an escape. Not any more. I'm not going to support that shift in the series by buying merchandise that to me represents Star Wars with its soul of hope ripped all but completely out.