Thoughts about the next PF: Why not Dooku?

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I really hope the next PF is the droids. We really need to get those two and well I want to complete my ANH collection.

Or Sideshow can really be nice and release :chew .

I could not agree more. Let's finish the main characters first please.
while i want a sith as much as the next person... i think its time they gave us another non-jedi PF. right now i only have the exclusive anakin on order, but i still need to pick me up a darth maul eventually.
A PF Jawa would be a huge waste of money, but darned if I wouldn't buy one. A PF Tusken Raider would be awesome too.
Never really been that big on Dooku...But a ROTS Obi-Wan would be great to go with ROTS Ani.

I also wouldn't mind Jedi Luke, Mace, Qui-Gon mind you!:chew
Dooku would be great! But a ROTS Obi Wan would suffice as well. Oh and maybe Bespin Luke, and Gui Gon, and Yoda, not to forget Jedi Luke....
there's just too many!!!!!!!:banghead
I want to see Jedi Luke and ROTS Obi-Wan. I'd get those for sure. Already have Anakin ex. edition PF on pre-sale and that thing looks awesome.
Porkins would rock!:chew


Definitely...the KFC could be the exclusive...