Ce Ilhuicamina
Super Freak
Best one so far! However it demands a Battle Of The Bastards/King In The North costume.
Sorry guys, not familiar with Eleven’s work. Do the sculpts usually come painted or unpainted?
Painted. 33-38$.
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I’m excited. The night Eleven posted his sculpt, I picked up a loose Jon Snow for $200 shipped. Hopefully tomorrow it arrives safe and sound.
You can’t go wrong with a 200 dollar buy on this because you’ll be able to flip it for profit down the line but Don’t go rushing buying things yet if you’re after an easy solution.
The stock snow is god awful and another head would certainly help but there is a few things to keep in mind here.
1) that vimal Head by eleven is not a gaurontee that they will release it. He’s done a few heads they’ve made prototypes of but not offered. And they’ve done many they’ve never offered.
2) if you care about accuracy you can’t even use that outfit. His hair was pulled back only after he was resurrected. And that outfit, the only one being offered by cult king is sold out and extremely pricey if you’re after a budget snow, which if you don’t already have the othrr vimal sculpt with or without a custom hair job, and the other nessisary upgrades that came and have long gone like the reveneye belt and replacement gloves I’d wager to say you are after a budget option tonangood John snow