OOOPS. Did I spoiler the end of last season for down-undah??
Not if you're from Downunder and have already seen it
OOOPS. Did I spoiler the end of last season for down-undah??
Let's get it back on track
Give us Daenerys next! We need her, give us faith that you can handle female sculpts! & then you can do Jaime next. But seriously, they need to do Daenerys and assure us this line is in for the long haul. I think they'd sell a crap load of figures of her.
Theres still Chappie and Heisenberg to come out before him.
And turtles, Alistair and maybe more that should be out this year. I feel a lot of stuff is going to get pushed into 2016.
I didn't order those other ones either. Heisenberg and Jon Snow are the only two directly from 3Z at the moment, and I ordered Chappie recently from BBTS as I didn't watch the movie until long after the direct pre-order was gone - I'll also probably order Jesse from BBTS but I really hope 3Z tunes him up a bit.
i really dislike the idea of POing yet another figure(kaiman) by them when i have yet to receive either of the other 2 PO's i have by them already and have no idea when they will ship. reminds me of the sillyness that one can get in with threeA and i dont like at all to be honest. really wish i had a shipping notice for chappie at least before giving them more money.
im alot less forgiving when a company cant ship a product out per the est time. kaiman from dorohedoro is must have and yet im reluctant to give threezero anymore money upfront. if you cant make it and ship out per the est time then.... yeah need to re-think the estimates and the speed at which you sell figures. maybe dial it down abit to meet the expectations the customers have based on what was said in the details when the product was sold.
i know im in minority here and many are cool with the delays and the wait but for me it gets harder and harder to do and really turns me off a company fast.
IMO threeA take their customers for granted, a few figs are past the year point now and still havent been shipped. a year? and no word via them at all, no we are sorry for delay emails nada, just we have your money and you will wait. a year? thats what i expect from a one-off hand made custom not a semi-massed produced figure via a now much larger company like threeA. they treat customers like this cuz they can, sells regardless. i hope threezero dont follow in this behavior.
Also, someone remind me - did they specify exactly how big the revised Ghost is?