I think it’s worth a shot trying to swap with Ripley but ripley has those longer HT calves so it may not make as drastic a difference.
Here you can see the height difference with the swap. She looks right compared to Kit but Charles Dance is 6’3 the same height as Brienne so I’m going to give him longer pegs I think. I don’t want Tywin as tall as Brienne as I think they intentionally make her look even taller on the show but he needs to be taller than Jon that’s for sure. Im quite happy with Cersei’s height now though.
The other mods I did was slight eye enhancement to give depth and a bit of bag below her eyes but the iPhone pics can’t pick it up.
I also sliced apart her hands and transplanted her rings on to HT Rey hands. Made literally all the difference in the world.
Finally I glued the pleats of the dress to make it look more natural. It’s not perfect but it looks way better.
All and all it’s a passable figure but maybe the worst in my GOt collection. At least she’s not 1/7 scale and the paint much like Brienne is light years ahead of where they began but light years away from what the industry standard is and what they are charging.
I’d love it if someone made replacements for the heads. Brienne, Cersei, from the looks of it Joffrey... maybe Tyrion and bran could pass.
I’ll never understand the lack of GOT support despite its popularity on the official and even

custom front . How many freaking Jokers need to be made at this point?
I wish I had the time to learn Z brush as I have no doubt I’d make them all and make them all spot on too because I wouldn’t settle for less.