The fact that they didn't show any pictures and haven't even mentioned her before shipping her out makes me very nervous about what we're getting. It's 3Z, so there's actually a chance we'll just get a pile of bricks. 

Face looks soft but pretty good.
The hands with rings are terrible.
The material for that dress must have been very expensive because this figure offers nothing to justify the near $200 cost.
Face looks soft but pretty good.
The hands with rings are terrible.
The material for that dress must have been very expensive because this figure offers nothing to justify the near $200 cost.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly.
The face sculpt is okay, but nothing spectacular; the hands look terrible; the complete lack of accessories is terrible; and the dress material makes her look like a lampshade - it should drape like fabric, and its a little too short on this figure.
look at these pictures
Overall comparing this to the figure quality/price ratio of the Xensation figures....
Pretty much my thoughts exactly.
The face sculpt is okay, but nothing spectacular; the hands look terrible; the complete lack of accessories is terrible; and the dress material makes her look like a lampshade - it should drape like fabric, and its a little too short on this figure.
look at these pictures
Considering then that the dress was pretty much the only thing they had to do other than the head sculpt, I think this is a rather poor effort.
IF they managed to nail to dress and sculpt, I probably would pick her up - Cersei is my favorite character and I hoped to pose her with the upcoming Mountain figure...
Overall comparing this to the figure quality/price ratio of the Xensation figures....
I'll probably gamble on a later deal with the caveat that I really want the character on display with the rest of the Lannisters.